Only Advanced Users with Super User rights are able to see this tab of the Toolbox > Settings if they have been given access to the Server Setup in their Permission Profile. These settings are shown as of version 6.8 release.
Resolve Surrounding Conflicts When Bookings Change: After resolving a Conflict the Booking Sub Status will be set to Confirmed automatically and does not have to be changed manually from the Conflict status to the Confirmed status (Hourline and Long Form).
Tasks Causes Conflicts: Controls if Task Bookings should conflict or not (default behaviour is to conflict).
Create Booking Histories: Will display in the Edit Booking window the history of all the actions that have been made to the Booking since its creation date, showing the User name, date, and time.
Check Class Members For Conflicts When Checking For Conflicts (slow): If ticked it can cause slowness especially affecting multi-day Bookings.
Hide Cancelled Projects From Timelines And reports: Once selected all Projects that have been cancelled will not show up on timelines and reports. This will switch off the active setting on the project, which will need to be switched back on if reversing the change.
Timereport Completed On Users Time: The Time Report will be completed as soon as the involved Users have time reported their work. The Time report icon will only display on Bookings of Users, but not on bookings of Objects in the Hourline. If disabled, all involved Objects have to be time reported before the Time Report is complete.
Show Involved Objects In Booking Window: Tick this option to show the Objects, Users, and Resources that are part of the Booking in the Edit Booking window and to be able to add new Objects directly from this Involved window.
MySQL Sync: Enable or disable the use of MySQL Sync directly from the Toolbox. To be able to activate the synchronisation, the MySQL must be configured in the Server Setup.
N.B. If you are a clouded user please get in touch with [email protected] in order for theses changes to be made. Otherwise, if you have a self-hosted server please refer to this article here on how to configure them.
Case Sensitive Matching On User Names When Logging In: Allows disabling the case sensitive login (all login possibilities into farmerswife).
Web Profile "Has Relation" Flags Are True If Contact Is In The Same Company: If Clients have been given access to the farmerswife Web Client, marking this checkbox will result in a Contact being able to view all calendar events for the Company rather than just the Contact's events.
Auto Build Object Classes When Server Starts: Using this feature creates an Object Class for all Objects that exist with the same Name or in sequence like Camera 1, Camera 2. E.g. an Object Class called "Camera" with these Objects set as a member within it. Feature that works together with a magic file: "auto_build_classes_delete_all_classes.dat". A functionality to "auto-build Object Classes after deleting ALL Object Classes". This file needs to exist in the farmerswife Server > "system" folder; then all Object Classes will be removed, and automatically recreated by the above-mentioned setting. This file will be automatically removed after the first time it's been used.
IMPORTANT: Only use this magic file if this new feature is enabled. Use this feature only if it has been tested before on a separate copy of the Production WIFE Server.
And make sure a completed Full Backup of the WIFE Server has been made before using it.
Allow Sending Google Invites: Enable here the Google Invite Integration which causes Users with a User Profile where the Web Permission setting: Send Google Calendar Invites is enabled, as well to receive an invite for the event through Google's calendar system. Only events from today and forward are sent. For further information refer here to the Google Invite Integration articles.
Include Booking Note in Google Invite: This setting can only be enabled if the 'Allow Sending Google Invites' option is checked. Otherwise, it will be greyed out and cannot be selected. When enabled, this setting will include booking notes in the Google invite sent to the user.
Preliminary Booking Causes Conflict Warning: There are two different scenarios for this setting:
1) An Object gets booked in "quote" status and a warning message is enabled, if another User books/quotes the same Object again. For this behaviour to work please activate: Toolbox > Booking Defaults > Warn For Conflicts Before Creating And Modifying Bookings. Once both settings are activated the warning dialogue will pop-up even if the Object is booked on a Preliminary Status.
2) Using Framework Bookings in combination with the Web Permission Profile setting: Events > Objects > His Own Object > User Must Accept Or Decline New Bookings = Yes/checked. In the drop-down menu next to an empty Framework cell all available Class Members appear.
Anne is a Member of 2 Object Classes: "Editor" and "Journalist.
Anne is booked from 09:00 to 18:00 via the Object Class "Editor".
With: "Preliminary Booking Causes Conflict"= No (set by default):
Anne will still be listed as an "Available Class Member" at the same time range from 09:00 to 18:00if the Object Class "Journalist" is used.
With: "Preliminary Booking Causes Conflict"= Yes/checked:
Anne will not be displayed in the list of "Available Class Members".
Add Object Class To Grouping From Class In Hourline Views: Tick this option to load your Object Class into your Hourline within a group named after the Object Class itself. For example, if you have an Object Class named 'Cameras' and you loaded this into your Hourline, with this setting switched on, it would automatically make a Hourline group named 'Cameras'. Alternatively, if the setting is unticked then the Object Class loads into the view without a group made automatically.
Use Threading For Financial Reports: This setting is enabled by default and is designed to improve the in-built financial report performance. You can learn more on 'Threading' here at our Financial Reports article.
Keep Thread Data Updated: This feature simply ensures that the new "Financial worker thread data" gets updated before each Financial Report.
Use Caching For Financial Reports: This setting is enabled by default and is designed to improve the in-built financial report performance. You can learn more on 'Caching' here at our Financial Reports article.
Use Web Visibility Settings For Project: Enabling this feature will provide access to a new setting in the project window > eye icon > Web Visibility. The feature Web Visibility For Projects gives you the ability to control when the Bookings of a Project will be visible for the web users in all their access tiers: Web client, Mobile web client application, iOS, Schedule Changes Emails, and the reports that the Web User can print via the access tiers (Shared Monthly/Date Based Report and the Shared Day Plan Report). You can filter by Date periods, Users/Resources and Binders. For a more in depth look at Web Share Visibility please use this article here on our Knowledge Base.
Apply Financial Report Saved Filters Per Template: There are multiple settings that can effect saved filters for financial reports. See this article here. This is a global setting that will change the explained behaviour, shown in the article, and make the saved filters to apply directly to the Template. If this setting is enabled, any saved filters will be connected to the print template and will apply to any user running that print template.
Open Project Window In Read-Only Mode When Locked By Another User: When another user has locked a project it may not be accessible to you. With this feature turned on you will be able to view the locked project in a read-only mode. In read-only mode many of the fields will be greyed out, however, you will be able to change the Rate on a financial line in a booking on both Objects and Extras, edit a booking via the clock icon and enter a budget window to view only.
Search Each Word: When switched on it will enable an updated search behaviour on to Farmerswife search fields. If deactivated the system with revert back to a legacy search behaviour across the whole system.
Allow Frameworks Time Into Next Day: It is now possible to set Framework Booking Out time to end next day, for example, 21.00-03.00. Before you needed to create two bookings for each day. This functionality makes the Booking to partially behave as one day for the Web User. The areas that this feature has an impact on are: Desktop client, Web client, iOS, the Day Plan report, and the PM User reports (PM User report requires Labour Rules). (Note that this has not been implemented for the Mobile Web Client application)
Default Maintenance Causes Conflicts: By default a Maintenance booking causes a conflict, triggered by the "Conflict" checkbox on the Maintenance booking. If this is not wanted then you can change the behaviour so by default the "Conflict" is turned off.
Use Image Caching For Printing: If this setting is on, it will allow your server to cache the image information it generates when printing your PDF. This should prevent your template's background image needing to be converted each time you print to PDF. However, sometimes the cache can prevent your background image from printing, creating an empty PDF. In this scenario, the setting should be switched off, or unchecked. As this is a Server Setup setting, one user can change for all users.
Force Block "Client Details" Fields For Creators: The “Block Client Fields” option in Server > Setup > Contacts tab is an old feature, mainly used when using a script to import Client Contacts from a 3rd party software into farmerswife. Thanks to this option, you can select some fields (such as Company, Client Number, VAT Code, etc) to be blocked so no user can modify them.
But fields from the Client Details tab in the Contact window (such as Client Number, VAT Code, Payment Terms) could still be edited by the Contact Creator.
With this setting enabled any field from the Client Details tab that were included under the list of Block Client Fields, is going to be blocked for the creators as well.
Force Unique Client Number And Enable Warning: This will trigger a check and update a Contact if the "Client Number" does not contain a unique Number value. If it's not unique, a Warning message pops up informing that the "Client Number Is Not Unique" and that a new value was now updated to the first unique Number.
Mark Invoice As Paid According To Payment Terms: This setting is On by default, to ensure previous default behaviour to work as before. If you then disable “Mark Invoice As Paid According To Payment Terms”, then the set "Payment Terms" set on the Contact type Client like “Payment in Advanced", "Net Cash", "C.O.D (Cash On Delivery)” will not mark the Invoice as “Paid” at the moment of moving it to the “Invoice Manager”.
Enable Insurance Markup Option on Bookings: This setting, in conjunction with other settings, will allow you to apply equipment insurance directly to a Booking.
Enable REST Api Data Retention For Events Changes: see our REST API article
Use Film Units Calculations: Enable this setting to be able to display an icon in the Budget Window, in the budgets list. When clicking the new icon in the budget window, the new “Film Units Calculations” window will be displayed to calculate units based on different filmic units, see image below.
Send Email To Receiving Users When New Requests Are Made: If a user that can received requests is not connected he will receive an email about new requests
PDF Rendering Mode: This new added setting allows you to switch between two options for the Print Designer. The Default Rendering option is optimised for text, whereas the New PDF Rendering is more optimised for images, allowing crisper images, faster converts to PDF, and lower PDF file-sizes in the 64bit Client Applications.
PDF Rendering Encoding: related to font display
Print Designer Version: This selector allows you to select which version of Print Designer you would like to use. Consult [email protected] for further information.
Public Holiday: This is where you can setup Public Holidays to show up in your calendar views.
Setup Custom Fields: Option to setup Object Custom Fields. You can also access Custom Fields setup from the Object Manager menu.
Setup Project Global Custom Fields: These Custom Fields, once added, will exist through all Project related booking levels, from Booking Object, Booking, Framework Class, Sub Binder, Binder, Project and on Task Bookings.
They serve a special purpose for clients who have Navision integrations to be able to capture and export data.
To remove a field, open the Custom Field and click Remove from within the Custom Field window.
(from 6.6. SP1) Next, as you click OK on the Project Global Custom Fields window, you get prompted “ Do You Want To Also Remove: 'custom field name 1', 'custom field name 2', ... From Bookings, Projects, Etc.?”
Confirm: the Custom Fields you just removed in this setup window, get also removed from all existing projects, bookings, etc.
Cancel: the fields are removed from this setup window only, but not from existing projects, bookings, etc.
In both cases, they will not be applied to new projects, bookings etc created from that moment on as they don’t exist anymore. You can still later-on COMPLETELY REMOVE or EDIT the custom field, by creating it again with the exact same name and then when removing also choose to remove from bookings, project, etc.!
Object Permissions: to limit Advanced Users on which Objects they are able to book.
FTP Transfer: related to Adstream Integration. Since version 6.1 it is possible to set up "FTP transfer connections" for Media Orders.
To activate this new setting go to:
Your farmerswife Server > Setup > Media Library tab > Media Orders > select the "Media Order" where you want to enable this > on the "Modify Media Order" window tick the check-box for "Use FTP Transfers" to enable it for this Media Order.
Then log-in with your farmerswife Client and go to Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > "FTP Transfer" button (requires access to "Object Manager" Permissions). Click on the "FTP Transfer" button to open the "FTP Setup" window.
To create a new "FTP Setup" click on the green "+" button. Give the setting a "Name" and add the other information in the relevant boxes. Click "Test Connection" to confirm that the new setting is working.
Click "OK" to save your "FTP Settings".
If necessary double-click an "FTP Setting" to modify it.
Media Order Job Names: It is now possible to create predefined names and colours for Media Order Jobs. Using this setting you can add new options and colour code them.
Setup Booking Mouseover Info (Available from 6.7)
Customise the information displayed in the yellow Booking mouseover.
Click on the Setup Booking Mouseover Info button in Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup.
In the next window click on available display options to move them into the Selected pane, where you can drag and drop to adjust the order of the items. Note: You can add up to three separator lines.
Import Projects: You can now import your Projects into farmerswife from a CSV file. All the CSV formatting/ requirements for the import can be found here.
[currency icon] Secondary Currency Rate: Set the currency exchange rate for the secondary currency.
[currency icon] Third Currency Rate: Set the currency exchange rate for the third currency.
Default Invoice Flag: Predefine the Invoice status of a Booking with a flag. Set it to Ready, Hold or Ignore. When set to Hold or Ignore, the Booking will not appear in the Invoice Creator.
A yellow triangle appears on the Booking in the Edit Project window or on the Booking in the Hourline if the setting Toolbox > Hourline > Invoice Flag has been ticked. The User needs to have "Edit Invoice Flag" permission. The Invoice status can be checked with a mouseover. By clicking on the triangle the invoice status be changed. As standard Ready is set as default, see different options here.
Enable Scheduled Invoices: You can now make a scheduled plan of invoices on set dates and with a fixed amount per Project. This settings allows this to be activated on your system, and a new area gets added to the bottom of the Edit Project window.
Multiple Currencies Setup: refer to the Multiple Currencies article
Media Storage Invoicing Services: This setting is very specific and is designed to use the Media Library to generate "Storage Invoices" on a yearly basis. You get the option between "Cans" and "Title" which you can the connect to a Services from your Object manager.
Requests: decide which options should show up when clicking on a request
Pending Requests Reminder (Hours) (from 7.1): This setting allows to set maximum approval time for requests. If the time is exceeded, Approver and Requestor get an email notification reminding them of requests pending to be approved.
Urgent Approval Time Limit (from 7.1): This setting is related to the Request Reminder limit (above). If the urgent approval time limit is set to a specific amount of hours and the Pending Request Reminder is set to that limit (or below the limit) the request is marked as urgent. Urgent requests are displayed at the top of the request tab and are additionally labeled as urgent.
Working Hours For Sending Requests (from 7.1): It's possible to set "global" working hours for sending Requests. When Requests are created outside working hours, the user creating requests will get the popup: This request has been submitted outside of working hours. Do you want to proceed? After confirming the request can be created as usual.
Rename Object Types: These settings allow you to rename the main categories in the Object Manager. For example, when you first login to your farmerswife and start to navigate the Object Manager there are categories that help organise your Objects, which can be found in the "Type" drop-down menu. By default these are named "Staff, Resources etc..." this setting allows you to change the names of these "Types" to better suit your businesses inventory.
Archiving Rules: To decide what should be included when archiving Incoming Invoice or skipped
- Incoming Invoices: check related article
Price Agreements Integrity Checker: This checker will considerably reduce the time needed to load and open the Edit Project window, and avoid extreme memory usage problems on some databases with too many Price Agreements and Saved Quotes.
In certain scenarios it can happen that some Projects within a farmerswife database accumulate thousands of "Price Agreements", which are on a "Not Yet Applied" status. This can happen from a combination of using:
- Virtual Bookings
- Saved Quotes
- Fixed Price Agreements
- and using "New Project From: ..."
The result can be, that multiple hundreds or thousands of "Price Agreement" financial lines get created. These wrongly bloat the affected Projects and thus the farmerswife database. This new "Price Agreements Integrity Checker" now allows the user with "Server Setup" permission to clean-up the most affected Projects.
BEFORE using this feature:
- Ensure you have run a fw Server-side "Full Backup".
- Check and log size of your main database (DB) file, it's the "current45.efdb" located within the fw Server root installation folder, inside the "system"; it will be larger than 100MB, 150MB or even 250+ MB.
- If you are hosting the fw Server application on Mac and your main DB file (current45.efdb") is bigger than 150 MB and you have experienced fw Server or fw Client crashes as mentioned above, you need to approach this clean-up in steps, one Project at a time. More info below.
- Ensure, that no other user is working on any Project while running this checker. Part of the nature of this issue is, that on opening affected Projects it not only takes a long time (5+ minutes) before all data is loaded, but this can also lead to fw Server and fw Client crashes, due to extreme memory consumption. Typical crash info will state "Fatal error in wish - Unable to alloc xxx bytes".
- A helper to identify "bloated" Projects is, to go to fw Client > module bar "Projects" > go to the sub-menu "Edit View" > and only temporarily add the column "Project / Database Size"; use drag and drop to move it close to the columns "Project / Name" and "Project / Number" for easier use. Also ensure that in the same sub-menu on "Maximum Hits When Searching" is set to "No Limit". Use the "Search" button and click on the column header "Database Size" to sort until you see the "biggest" Projects at the top. You're now set to move on with the below steps. Take a screen shot or use "Open As Spreadsheet" as reference for later.
- Only Advanced Users with "Server Setup" Permission will have access to the "Price Agreements Integrity Checker"!
Press the "Start Checker" button.
This will trigger all Active Projects to be analysed and will allow on a Project by Project basis to clean up Price Agreements in the "Not Yet Applied" status or inside "Saved Quotes" according to the following rules:
- If a Project View contains more than 100 Price Agreements on status "Not Yet Applied" this checker will remove them.
- If a Saved Quote contains more than 100 Price Agreements on status "Not Yet Applied" this checker will remove them.
For each Project, which applies to the above rules, you'll get a pop-up window, which will list each issue.
You then have three options to choose from:
- "Yes": This will clean-up the listed issues.
- "No": This will skip the clean-up process and move on to the next Project.
- "Cancel": This will stop the "Checker" process and also revert any previous "Yes" or "No" choices.
Password Policies: This is where you can setup global Password Policies that your users will have to abide by when creating their login passwords.
Google Invites: You may optionally configure the Google Invites Connector to use your own google business domain. This feature does require the use of a professional google account in order to configure the following steps, and it requires a "Super Admin" Google Permission level, in order to get access to the following areas within the Google environment.