The timezone features allows you to create bookings within different timezones and then also view Bookings of other timezones within you own timezone.
The feature requires the addition of Division feature (paid option) to be used on your farmerswife. Contact [email protected] for pricing.
Step 1: Set timezone per Division
In the farmerswife Server Setup > General tab you can set a timezone per Division. For instance if one of your Divisions was in the United States you could then choose the specific timezone for that region.
Step 2: Enable Timezones
Once you have added the timezones to the specific Division within the farmerswife Server Setup, you will enable this in the Desktop Client > Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > Enable Timezones.
Step 3: Long Form Divisions/Timezone selector
When this setting is activated, it will show a drop down selector box at the top of the Long Form view. The drop down box will show all the different Divisions that have been setup on the server.
Switching between these drop down Divisions will impact a few different things, but most importantly it will show your bookings in that timezone. This will show up in the Long Form and Hourline calendar views.
Having this dropdown box selected to the appropriate Division will automatically place any bookings you make in that timezone. As standard, each booking will belong to that timezone from what is selected in the Long Form drop down menu. This can also be altered at a booking level.
Step 4: Bookings Divisions/Timezone selector
There is a similar drop down in each booking that shows which timezone it is booked in. Simply by selecting a different division on the booking level will alter when this booking will take place.
If you switch one booking from one timezone to another, it will be reflected in Long Form and Hourline schedule.
The "actual" time indicator in Hourline now also indicated the selected current time.