- Note Icon: Displays the Booking Note.
- Class Name: Displays the Object Class name in front of the Object name.
- Hours: Displays the amount of booked Object hours in brackets next to the Object.
- Time: Displays the in- and out booked time next to the Booking Name.
- Date: Displays the start- and end Booking date next to the Booking Name.
- Mouse Over Bookings: Displays a yellow dialog with the Booking info when placing the mouse over the Booking. For this setting to work, also enable Mouse Over Bookings in Toolbox > Settings > Miscellaneous.
- Relation: Enables and displays the relation in the Booking and Binder and its beginning and end station (grey half moon icon at the beginning and end of the Booking).
- Invoice Flag: Enables the Invoice Flag warning next to the Booking Name. It will show this yellow triangle only when the Invoice Flag is set to a status different than Ready. The User Permission: Edit Invoice Flag must be enabled.
- Small Markers: If enabled, the Markers in the Projects Tree are only displayed on the Project bar.
- Checkpoints: Displays the Checkpoints icon (upside-down triangle in red = pending, yellow =in progress, green = completed, black = canceled) next to the Booking and Binder names.
- Days: Displays the amount of total booked days next to the booked Object and Booking Name.
- Number: Displays the Booking number next to the booked Object and Booking Name.
- Number of Objects: Displays the total amount of booked Objects next to the booked Object and Booking Name.
- Time Report: Displays the time report icon (dot) (red = not time reported, green = timereported, yellow = closed project, clock = invoiced) next the booked Object and Booking Name.
- Timereported More Than Booked (6.8) - if enabled the timereport icon on Bookings will indicate when someone has reported more time that was initially booked. There will be red exclamation mark on top of green dot.
- Add Selected Project To The List: If enabled, each new Project created will automatically be added and displayed in the Project Tree below the previous ones listed. If disabled, the new Project will be displayed all alone, replacing other Projects that have been displayed before.
- Relation Defaults Day Synced: If enabled, the days in between the related Bookings will be respected when moving the related Bookings.
- Allow Bookings Over Weekend And Public Holidays: If enabled, farmerswife will book on weekends and bank holidays when moving Bookings that are related.
- Warning Beacons
Warning beacons are used for catching the User's attention, and can be used with Booking Checkpoints and Markers. - Active: To enable the Warning Beacons functionality.
- Markers: To enable the Warning Beacons on Markers. They are displayed as a little yellow circle around the due Checkpoint of the Marker.
- Bookings: To enable the Warning Beacons on Bookings. They are displayed as a little yellow circle around the due Checkpoints. Therefore Booking Checkpoints must also be active: - Go to Toolbox > Settings > Hourline > select Checkpoints. - Go to Toolbox > Settings > Project Tree > select Checkpoints.
- Animation: This option will change the static yellow circle around the due Checkpoint in moving yellow spirals.
- Animations Types: There are three different types of animation to chose from: Hypno, Hypno Big and Bounce.
- Marker Trigger Offset: The Animation will start at the same time of (if set to 0), before (if setto any ‘minus’ hour) or after (if set to a ‘plus’ hour) the due time of the Marker Checkpoint. For example, if the Marker is set at 12 and this option is set to -1, the Animation will start at 11. If this option is set to 0, the Animation will start at 12. If this option is set to +1, the Animation will start at 13.
- Booking Trigger Offset: The Animation will start at the same time of (if set to 0), before (if setto any ‘minus’ hour) or after (if set to a ‘plus’ hour) the due time of the Booking start time or end time (see next setting).
- Booking Trigger On: This option works in combination with the previous setting. In refers to the Booking start time and Out to the Booking end time. For example, if the Booking start time is 12, the Trigger Offset is set to -1 and the Trigger On is set on In, the Animation will start at 11. If the Booking ends at 14, the Trigger Offset is set to -1 and the Trigger On is set to Out, the Animation will start at 13.
- To stop the warning, the Checkpoint must be set to Completed.
- Currently there is a known limitation regarding Animated Warning Beacons. If there are more than four Bookings on the same day, the Animation will not work and the static yellow circle will show instead.
- Sort Bookings by Booking Date: will sort the projects in the tree by first booking start date
- Booking and Object Override Time’s Set Warnings: allows to hide the yellow warning "Object Override Time's Set". The "Object Override Time’s Set" triangle would appear if some objects in the booking have a different time in/out than the booking time in/out.