The View Settings / Options from the EYE menu allow users to customise their project overview. The following options are available:
- Show/ Hide File Windows: This option allows you to view, upload and manage files uploaded to the project.
- Show/ Hide View Filters: This option allows users to view and change the details of a Project Filter.
- Show/ Hide Saved Quotes: This option allows users to save new quotes as well as view and manage saved quotes.
- Show/ Hide List Of Price Agreements: This option allows users to Create, View and manage Price Agreements.
- Related Media: This option provides a convenient way of showing media which is linked to a project. It works in conjunction with the Media Library Module which is an additional licensed module.
- Deleted Bookings: The option allows users to view and retrieve deleted project bookings.
- Permissions: This option allows project owners to add other Super Users to the Project Permission list, giving them access to modify the project. This option will not appear if it isn't enabled in the Bookings settings of the Server set-up.
- Rate Card: This option allows Super Users with Tasks, Bookings and Rates permission to view and define rate cards which may be applied to the project.
- Clear Rate Card: Clears any rate card applied to the project.
- Direct File Access (Http/ Ftp): This option will give clients with access permission direct access to files which are uploaded to the Project. Works in conjunction with the Legacy Web Client (External Access).
- Force Colour: This option allows Super Users to colour code a project. This colour will be reflected across the timeline on all project related bookings.
- Add Re-Entry To: Final/Invoice: This option allows Super Users to add view re-entries to the Final/Invoice view, i.e. if all materials were excluded from the Final/Invoice view, you can add them back in to the view through this option.
- Add Sell Price Operator To: This option allows Super Users with Tasks/ Bookings/ Rates permission to add a sell price operator to the selected project view; i.e. Final/ Invoice view.
Please note the Sell Price Operator is only applicable to the view it has been added to and wont carry over to another View. This means that if a Sell Price Operator is part of a Quote (i.e. added to the Virtual Booking View) it will have to be added again in the Final Invoice View in order to be invoiced. - Virtual Bookings Templates: This option allows Super Users to either Save a Virtual Booking template, Load, Rename or Remove it from the template list.
- Saved Work Orders: This option allows Super Users to Load and/ or Remove Project Work Orders which have previously been saved.
- Show (second currency): This option allows Super Users with Tasks/ Bookings/ Rates permissions to toggle prices to the second currency.
- Show (third currency): This option allows Super Users with Tasks/ Bookings/ Rates to toggle prices to the third currency.
- Auto Re-open Window When Status Changes: If enabled, this option will re-open the Edit Project window when the status of the project is set from Active to Inactive and vice versa.
- Hide Part Invoiced Items: If enabled, this option allows Super Users to hide all items such as Bookings and Work Orders which have been part invoiced from the project view.
- Show Invoices / Credit Notes: If enabled, this option allows Super Users to retrieve all the sent invoices and credit notes related to the project. Such information will be displayed below the total sum of the project.
- Highlight Rates From Ratecard: Underlines the rates included in the Rate Card in the Buy and/ or Sell column.
- Show Accessories / Groups Involved: Expand All / Collapse All.
This new option allows expanding / collapsing all Object Accessories and / or Group Members at once.
- Time Report Mode: Allows the user to select which numbers to view in the Buy/ Sell columns.
Each line has a Time Report status which can be selected for viewing in the project window in the following hierarchies. Please see the Financial Report Designer Manual chapter for further information.