Edit View
To hide or show columns in the Budget table, click on the Eye icon (on the top left corner of the window, or next to the Expanded selector just above the Budget Details) and select Edit View.
As the Edit View window opens, columns can be selected to show by clicking on them in the Hide area, and they can be hidden by dragging them from the Show to the Hide area. The order of appearance can also be modified by clicking on the up/down arrow next to each column name, or by dragging them to a new position.
Here is a description of the available columns related to the Budget: For details on the columns related to the Actuals see View Options in the Budgeting Reporting and Comparing article.
- Account Nr: Displays the number of the Category, Account, Sub-Account, etc.
- Description: The name of the Category, Account, Sub-Account, etc.
- Budget Name: The name of the Budget being visualized.
- Qty: Displays the quantity, either Hours, Days, or Fixed.
- Multiplier & Quantity After Multiplier: The Multiplier column allows defining a number to multiply the Quantity column. E.g. you need a camera for 5 hours for 3 days: in the Quantity column you define 5 hours (if the price is hour-based) and in the Multiplier column you define 3. As a result, you will get 15 hours in the Quantity After Multiplier column.
- Buy Rate: Shows the buy rate.
- Buy: Shows the total buy rate for the line, according to the quantity.
- Sell Rate: Shows the sell rate and the option to add a discount per line.
- Sell: Shows the total sell rate for the line, according to the quantity and the discount (if any).
- Budget Operators: For selecting to which line the Budget Operator applies.
- Price Agreement: Shows the Price Agreement affecting the line.
- Margin: Shows the total Sell minus the total Buy for the line.
- Profit: Shows the profit margin as a percent from dividing (Sell - Buy) / Sell.
The table headings stick to the top of the window, so when you scroll down on a long budget you do not lose track of which column shows what. Similarly, the "Account Nr" and "Description" columns also stick to the left side when you scroll horizontally.
Save View As...
Allows you to save the view.
Remove View...
Deletes the selected view.
Up to 7.1: These views are a per User configuration and not globally available. You can copy the views through the "Copy Settings From Another User" setting in Toolbox but this will copy all other settings from that User as well.
From 7.1 onwards: When you save a View, the dialog contains a "Shared" checkbox. If checked, the Shared View will show up for all Users inside the Budget window. They can load the view for themselves, but also edit or remove it.
Below are a few sample Budget Views and the column order for ease of creation.
Budget Only
Buy & Sell Budget - To Date - Forecast
Sell (Budget - To Date - Forecast)