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Frequently Asked Questions
What is farmerswife?
What programming language and database format are you using?
Is there an Android app for farmerswife?
Can you integrate to Active Directory?
Sometimes my Project list or Contacts looks empty, why is that?
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Database, Server Setup and System Info
I need to set up a new room. Can I do that on my own?
Where do I find the 'system' folder on Windows Vista, ... ?
Can a Farmers WIFE Server run with two Networkcards?
How do I find out the IP address of my PC/Mac?
Can I migrate the database from one server machine to another?
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Invoicing and Purchase Orders
How do I permanently change the VAT?
How to cancel or credit or create a negative incoming invoice?
How to change the fiscal year?
How can I reset my invoice numbers /renumber my invoices on new year start?
How can I set a different Default Invoice Template in the Invoice Creator?
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Licensing and Users
How to change the Name/Nick Name of a User
Can I change a Resource into a Web User? Or can I move a User from one Type to another? Can I change Object from Resource to Staff?
How much is farmers wife to purchase?
How can I buy farmers wife licence?
I forgot my password. How can I reset it?
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Scheduling and Object Tracking
Bookings seem to have disappeared in the Hourline but I can see them in the Project, why?
How do I do bookings on a weekend?
Why can't I see the time report (timereport) clocks on my bookings in the hourline?
Can I track time sheets?
Reports and Print Designer
Will I be able to print my reports?
How can I see the cost of a project for only time reported/past events?
How can I get a list with all my Clients email addresses?
v6.5 Print Designer - "Page Break" re-write related changes
Errors and Troubleshooting
Cannot login to the web client after upgrade
One of my users cannot log in, what can I do?
Support is requesting that I send my database. How do I get it to them?
I deleted a User or Project and want to roll back to a backup from before I did that. How can I do it?
I can't log in and am getting the error message 'Connection To Server Timed Out?
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