This feature allows you to send a Project Report PDF and/or a customized email template containing Booking/Project information (this works only for Project-related Bookings), directly from the Booking to the Involved Users, People, and/or other contacts.
Server-Side Setup
*Cloud-hosted Clients please reach out to [email protected] for assistance with this.
- Outgoing Email Setup is required to send/attach a PDF Report and/or a customized email template.
- Server Side PDF Printer must be configured only if you wish to attach a PDF to these emails.
- Select a Project View that is used for pulling information when sending the email, or create a new view called "Booking Report":
Email Template Customization
Configure the default email "subject and body" text template that you can choose from when sending the email.
*You can use an online HTML Viewer to preview what your email body will look like.
You can create multiple *.txt files to choose from when sending the email report. The templates are stored in: farmerswife server > html_templates > other > booking_report_email.
*Note: Cloud-hosted Clients will need to send their templates to [email protected] to be added to your server.
Use the default "english.txt" template to start with (attached at bottom of this article).
See the first line for the available variables (keys). You can edit or remove text that is not in <> and/ or remove variables from the Subject and Body part.
Here's a list with an explanation of the diff. variables (keys)
<PROJECT_CUSTOM_FIELDS> - lists all Project Custom Fields. To only show selected please see instructions further down.
<BOOKING_CUSTOM_FIELDS> - lists all Booking Custom Fields. To only show selected please see instructions further down.
Sending out the Booking Report
1. Click the Booking Icon > Other > Email Project Booking Report
Alternatively, open the Booking > top left corner click the Booking menu.
- If you have the setting: Auto pop-up Booking Window in Toolbox > Settings > Booking Default enabled, you first need to press ‘Apply’ at the bottom of the Booking Window to get the changes saved and thus be printed on the report.
- On multi-day Bookings depending on which day in the Hourline you click on the Booking icon, fw will display the selected date of the Booking in the Subject and Body of the email. However when opening the Booking and top left corner click the Booking menu > Other > Email Project Booking Report, the Date will be the first day of the Booking.
2. Select desired recipients, templates, etc. in the Email Project Booking Report window.
The ‘Email Project Booking Report’ window opens allowing you to:
- Manually type email addresses into the Recipient field. Add multiple addresses by comma separating them.
- Select from a drop-down list of existing Client, Resource, and Global contacts.
*Note: If you add a comma after the first email and then select from the drop-down again it will replace the first email. Thus, you should enter a comma and then 'manually' type the next email address. - Press the green + to add all involved Users/ Resources and the Project Owner/ Creator.
- Choose a Print Designer template (PDF Booking Report Template) to attach, or choose "None" to just send the email template.
- Select an Email Template that will fill in the Subject and Body and/or manually type a Subject and Body text.
*Note: The sender of the email (You) must have an email address assigned to your profile. This email address will be the From address when sending out the email unless in the Server Setup > General you use the: “Force Send All Emails From”, (in that case this email is used).
3. Press OK to send the email. A pop-up shows when the email was sent and to whom.
The Booking Report Email
The below photo shows the resulted email (using the example above):
Include only selected Booking or Project Custom Fields
To select and display in the email BODY only specific Custom Fields from the Project or Booking, use the following instructions:
*Cloud-hosted Clients will need to send templates to [email protected] to be added to your server.
1. You first need to create a template with the name "custom_template_CHOOSENAME.txt" in the farmerswife server > html_templates > other > booking_report_email. Use the existing "english.txt" and COPY into the same folder. Then change the name to "custom_template_xxx.txt".
2. Then from the fw Client > Bookings > Booking Menu > Other > Email Project Booking Report select this template the first time and send it. This populates the available Custom Fields of the Booking name and the Project to the template. They are listed at the top under "Available keys" with the format: <BOOKING_CUSTOM_FIELDS_LabelName> and <PROJECT_CUSTOM_FIELDS_LabelName>.
3. Copy/paste the custom field keys to the subject or body where you want the information of the field to be displayed.
If you use the SAME custom_template to send an email project report from a different booking with different Booking Custom Fields, those variables will be displayed at the top of the template under the "Available keys".
But the variables you added to the Subject or Body beforehand will not be touched. If the system can't find a matching info in the current Booking you are sending the email from, the fields are "blank".
Checkbox Custom Fields are displayed as 1 (checked), 0 (unchecked), blank (tristate empty).File Custom Fields will display an internal ID and the filename+extension. But the file will NOT be attached.