Web Permission Profiles apply to Advanced Users, Web Users, and Contacts, which can be configured to grant access to the WIFE system via these access tiers:
The Web Profiles are a very powerful tool! Be careful, as they can easily be configured incorrectly. For example, you create a permission profile and grant a Contact type “Client” access to all of your Contacts. Or you grant a Client the permission to create Bookings. Taking the time to set up meaningful profiles will not only save you time, but also many headaches.
When initially setting up your database, start with one user's profile and then save as many other profiles as you determine is necessary for your facility (i.e. Editor, Producer, Client, Freelancer, Accountant, etc.). You can then choose those profiles as you set up your additional users.
- Access the Web Profile Manager
- Create a New Profile and Group
- Assigning a Web Profile to a User
- Required Server-side settings
- Web Permissions Table
- Necessary Permissions for Web Users to be able to create Ad-hoc Time Reports:
- What is My Events vs. My Related Events?
- Projects in the Web Client
- Which Projects are shown and available?
Access the Web Profile Manager
To access the Web Profile Manager go to farmerswife Client > Object Manager > open a User Profile.
Click on the drop-down menu to the right of the Permission Profile and choose Web Profile Manager to set up the various Profiles. On Web Users, it is only possible to access the Web Profile Manager.
Create a New Profile and Group
Simply right-mouse-button-click or use Ctrl. + Click (on Mac) in the top left pane to create a new Profile; see the circled part in screenshot.
Groups contain the Web Profiles and are useful to sort the Web User Profiles. Use the Move option to move a Web Profile into another Group.
For a detailed description of the permissions, please refer to the have a look at the Web Permission Table.
On saving the Profiles give them good, simple and short names describing for whom or for what they are intended. You don’t want to be checking each profile’s setup every time you assign it to someone.
Assigning a Web Profile to a User
On Web Users, you can choose the previously created Web Profile directly from the Permission selector. For Advanced Users, choose their Web Profile in their Advanced User profile thus the Web Profile is linked to the assigned Advanced Profile.
Required Server-side settings
- In farmerswife Server > Setup > General: The following settings are required to be properly set/ opened/ forwarded on the according firewalls, routers, and switches within your network. And some of them need to be exposed to the Internet, in order to connect from the outside of your local network (LAN) to the WIFE Server. For more detailed information see “ ServerPorts_and_AccessTiers”.
- Allow Mail (and related settings) must be on, i.e. set to Yes, to invite any Contact Type (Client, Resource). See related “ Email_Notification” documentation.
- Http Port: Used to stream QuickTime, WebCal, Old Web Client.
- URL To Server: Used by iOS, New & Old Web Client, WebCal and the Mobile Web Client (MWC)·
- Port: This is the port used to login to the Web Client; in the web browser type: http://your.Domain.IP:26000·
- API Port: This is used by the iOS application; enter this in the Apple mobile device’s Settings > farmersWIFE > Port·
- In WIFE Client > Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > Web Share Settings > Daily Sendout ... is the same as the above-mentioned Server-side setting (only available to Advanced users with Server Setup access rights).
- In WIFE Client > Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > Web Share Settings > WebCal ... enable and configure the days of Events to show before and after the actual day. For further information and configuration details aout WebCal see the separate “WebCal” documentation.·
- In WIFE Client > Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > Web Share Settings > Schedule Changes Email Sendout.
Web Permissions Table
Web Permission | Functionality |
Allowed Access Tiers | |
iOS App | Permission to use the farmerswife iOS app that can be downloaded from the App Store |
Web Browser Based Client | Permission to use the Web client and/or the Mobile Web Client |
Web Cal (ical, outlook, calendar subscription) | Permission to subscribe to farmerswife events in 3rd party calendars (see Webcal manual for further setup instructions) |
RSS Feed | No longer available. (legacy feature) |
Daily Email Sendout | Enable via the Toolbox > Server Setup. See Toolbox Manual. |
Time Reporting Email Sendout | Related to Toolbox Setting on Timereporting Sendout Reminder. Needs to be enabled if the user should receive reminders on Time reporting. |
Schedule Changes Email Sendout | |
| Receives emails with any schedule changes. Set time in Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup > Web Share Settings > Update Time. |
| Sends the Schedule Changes Email also if Other Inovlved Objects in the Booking Changes. |
Microsoft Exchange Calendar Sync | If Utilizing Microsoft Exchange |
Dispatch Access Through Desktop Client (Not Resources/Clients) | Access to Dispatch Module via Desktop Client |
Dispatch Limited Mode | A Web User with this Limited Mode enabled will be able to use the Dispatch Module in the farmerswife Desktop Client application to: - scan existing Objects on existing Check Outs - print Check Out and Check In Reports - create New Check Ins - create New Check Outs - so equipment can be sent from one warehouse to the other - modify any Custom Fields that have been loaded into the Dispatch previously - edit the Note field on Dispatches He won't be able to: - modify anything on the header of existing Check Out, e.g. Dispatch Name, Pickup Contact, ... - remove any Objects from existing Check Outs if it is not his own Check Out. - change the Status of the Dispatch - unless he knows the Limited Mode Password, if it has been set. - access Dispatch Settings - access and change Custom Field templates in Checkouts or Check Ins |
Media Library Through Desktop Client (Not Resourdes/Clients) | |
Can View | Permission to login to the Media Library only on the farmerswife client and view media records |
Can Edit | Permission to edit, create, and delete media records |
Media Orders | Permission to create, edit and delete Media Orders via the Toolbox. |
Can See Rates | Allows controlling if the Web User can see Rates when accessing the desktop application. |
Events > Objects | |
His Own Object | |
Can View | Can see his/her own schedule |
Can Create Requests | Can make Requests for Personnel Management Bookings (vacations, sick, etc.) |
Show Request Recipient Users List | If more than one Advanced User is able to receive Requests, this permission will allow the User to choose which person this Request should go to |
Send Email to Users When Request Status Changes | Sends the email notification when Reuqest Status is Changing (if it's approved or declined). |
User Must Select Request Type | Requires User to pick from the list of Personnel Booking types. (Those are predefined here as Tasks: Server Setup > Bookings tab) |
User Can Modify Approved Requests (from 7.1) | If enabled, users can edit requests that have been approved. |
User Must Accept or Decline New Bookings | If enabled, the Web User can decline or accept new Bookings through the Web Client, Mobile Web Client or the iOS. |
Mandatory Note When Declining a Booking (from 7.1) | If enabled, the Web User needs to add a mandatory note when declining a booking. |
Send Google Calendar Invites / Requires Google Sync To Be Enabled | This feature needs to be enabled in WIFE Client Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup: "Allow Sending Google Invites". User with a Profile where this is enabled they will as well receive an invite for the Event through Google's calendar system. For more information see the Notification manual. |
Can Create Tasks | Can Create Tasks for himself |
Can Create Bookings | Can create Bookings for himself (Must also have one of the permissions under the section "Allow Booking on Project") |
Can Create Personnel Events | Can create Personnel Booking for himself |
Shared Monthly Based Reports | You can choose which User Reports Web User can run from the farmerswife Web Client. Further info in our Knowledgebase. Search for PDF print Support. PDF Printer must be setup. |
Objects in his Division | (Only applicable if purchased Divisions Module is licensed) |
Can View | View Objects within the same Division as Web User |
Can Create Tasks | Can create Tasks for other Objects in his Division |
Can Create Bookings | Can create Bookings for other Objects in his Division |
Can Create Personnel Events | Can create Personnel Events for other Objects in his Division |
Can Create Maintenance Events | Can create Maintenance Events for other Objects in his Division |
All Objects | |
Can View | View All Objects and their schedules |
Can Create Tasks | Create Tasks for All Objects |
Can Create Bookings | Create Bookings for All Objects |
Can Create Personnel Events | Create Personnel Events for All Objects |
Can Create Maintenance Events | Create Maintenance Events for All Objects |
Specific Object Level Control | Set specific Objects that the User can have the previous permissions for. |
Can See All Shared Hourline Views | If enabled user can see All Shared Hourline Views |
View and Book Object Classes as Objects | After this setting is activated, as Web User creates a Booking and goes to Add Involved > Categories > Classes > choose one of the Classes in the list, there will then be a new option at the top called "Pure object class". Using this option will then book the Object Class in the same way as booking an Object. |
User Cannot Book Conflicting Objects | If this is enabled, user is not able to book the conflicting objects at all. The conflict warning appears immediately and the booking won't be created. |
Select & Share Saved Hourline Views | Choose specific Hourline Views that Advanced Users have saved to be shared in the Web, iOS and Mobile Web Client. |
Day Plan Hourline Views | Choose specific Hourline Views that will be displayed by sorting by Project for the day. |
Shared Day Plan Reports | Day plan reports can be found/saved in the farmerswife client > Hourline Tab > Hourline icon. Share these reports with Web Users here. |
Daily Day Chart Email Sendout | With this new feature available from 6.6 SP1 you can now configure Daily Day Chart Email Sendout that will include the pre-defined Day Chart Report as a PDF attachment. |
Shifts Availability | Add Shifts that should be shown to the Web User for him to register Shifts that he would like to sign up for. |
Show Event | |
Always | View all Events. If you choose to hide Event details, it will show that there is a Booking but no details for Events the User is not involved in. (Objects will appear booked with “Undisclosed Event”) If you choose No, Personnel and Maintenance Bookings will still be visible for other Objects they have Permissions for. |
If It is in His Division | View just Events in his Division |
If He Has A Relation To Its Project | View all Events where the User has a relation (has created the Project, or has been booked on the Project at any time) |
If He Is Involved In It | View Events only when the User is on the Booking |
Add Names of Involved Objects to the Header in the Web Client | Displays names of Involved Objects in the Header |
Show Requests from Other Users | View other Users' Requests for Personnel Events |
Show Events with Planning Booking Substatus | If enabled Web Users can see all bookings with Planning Substatus |
Show Events with Preliminary Booking Substatus | If enabled Web Users can see all bookings with Preliminary Substatus |
Allow Editing Event | Must have one of these Permission to modify existing Bookings that the User did not create. |
Always | Allows editing on all Bookings |
If it's in his Division | Allows editing on only Bookings in his own Division |
If He Has A Relation To Its Project | Allows editing on Bookings on a Project that the User has a relation to. |
If He Is Involved In It | Allows editing on Bookings that the User is booked on. |
Allow Editing Note | Web Users can edit Booking Notes for read-only Bookings |
Default Task Status | If set, and Status is not chosen when creating the Task, the Task will default to this selected status. The default is set in Server Setup > Bookings tab > Force "Task Only" User or Web User Bookings To Status |
Allow Booking On Projects | |
All Projects | Can create Bookings on any Project, but the Project must already exist. Web Users cannot create new Projects in the Web Client, only possible in the iOS and in the Mobile Web Client. |
Projects That Are in His Divison | Can create Bookings on Projects in his Division |
Projects That He Has a Relation To | Can create Bookings on Projects the User has a relation to (i.e. has been booked on the Project previously) |
Default Booking Status | If set, and Status is not chosen when creating the Booking, the Booking will default to this selected Status. |
Enable Timereporting For New Bookings | If not checked, new Bookings created by the User will not have an associated time-report. |
Enforce Static Time Frames | |
Viewable | If checked, it enables the Static Time Frame when Bookings can be viewed through the Web Client, as configured in Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup |
Bookable | If checked, it enables the static Time Frame when a User can create Bookings through the Web Client, as configured in Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup |
Timereportable | If checked, it enables the static Time Frame when Bookings can be time reported through the Web Client, as configured in Toolbox > Settings > Server Setup |
Allow Tasks To Be Viewed Regardless Of Time Frames | Allows to see all tasks, regardless of set Viewable Time Frames. |
Send Push and Email Reminders | If Set, Users will get push or email notification before start time or end time of every booking they are involved in. |
Minutes Before Start Time | Choose from 5,10,15,30,45,60 or Don't Send Reminder |
Minutes Before End Time | Choose from 5,10,15,30,45,60 or Don't Send Reminder |
Projects > Show | |
All Projects | Can view all Projects |
Projects That are in His Division | Can view all Projects in his Division |
Projects That He Has A Relation To | Can view Projects that he has a relation to ( that the User is booked on) |
Allow Editing Project | |
Always | Can edit all Projects |
If It Is In His Division | Can edit all Projects in His Division |
If He Has A Relation To It | Can edit Projects that he has a relation to (is booked on) |
Timereports > Allow Editing Timereport | |
Always | Can edit any Time Report |
If It Is In His Division | Can edit any Time Reporting of his Division |
If He has A Relation to Its Project | Can edit any Time Report for projects he has a relation to ( that the User is booked on) |
If he Is involved In It | Can edit any Time Report that he is involved in (needed to be booked on the Booking) |
Not Other Users Time | If yes, then negates "always" above and User can't report for other Users. |
Mandatory Note for Object When Reporting (Always) (7.1) | If enabled, User needs to add mandatory Note for Object When Reporting |
Mandatory Note for Object When Reporting Over Booked Time | If User reports more time than what was booked he will be required to add a Note on his Object (not the overall Time Report note) |
Allow Reporting Over Existing Reported Period of Time | Can report two things at once. (i.e rendering one job, doing fixes on another at the same time) |
Allow Reporting Into The Next Day | Can report past the "start of the next day" (dependent on database set up). If this permission is enabled, this will make a check-box appear in iOS farmerswife app and Web Client to allow the User to report the out time into the next day by creating an Ad-hoc Time Report for the day after the Booking. |
Allow Applying Breaks to All Involved | If enabled, user can add breaks to all involved in the booking, when tiemreporting. |
Ad-Hoc Timereporting | |
All Projects | Allows Ad-Hoc Timerpeorting on All Projects |
Projects That Are in His Division | Allows Ad-Hoc Timerpeorting on Projects in Own Division |
Projects That He Has A Relation To | Allows Ad-Hoc Timerpeorting on Projects Web User has Relation To (is booked on) |
Default Ad-Hoc Booking Status | Allows to set default ad-hoc Booking Status |
Allow Adding Objects to Timereport | |
All Objects | Allows adding Objects to a Time Report |
Objects in His Division | Allows adding Objects to a Time Report but only Objects in the Web Users Division |
His Own Object | Allows adding only the Web User himself to the Timereport |
Specific Object Level Control | Choose specific Objects here that the Web User can add to the Time Report |
Contacts > Show | |
All Contacts | View All Contacts |
Contacts That Are In His Division | View Contacts in the Web User's Division |
Company Compound Label | Define here the company compound name by selecting more data (like Address, mobile number, etc) from the drop-down in the Company Compound Label window. Below the Contact name in the iOS or in the MWC the Company Name appears together with the additional data like address etc. |
Allow Editing Contact |
Always | Can Edit all Contacts |
If It Is In His Division | Can Edit Contacts that are in his Division |
Not if Type is Client | Can Edit Contacts, except Client type |
Not if Type is Resource | Can Edit Contacts, except Resource type |
Events | |
Allow Showing Events Related to Contact | Allows to Open the Contact and see all the Events related to that Contact (IOS and MWC) |
Allow Showing Events Related to Company | Allows to Open the Client Contact and see all the Events related to the entire company the contact belongs to (IOS and MWC) |
To-dos > Alow Assigning To Projects | Can create a Todo for a particular Project |
All Projects | Can create a Todo for all Projects |
Projects That are in His Division | Can create a Todo for all Projects in the Web User's Division |
Projects That He Has A Relation To | Can create a Todo for all Projects the Web User has a Relation to ( that the User is booked on) |
Dispatches | |
Can Access | Can use Dispatch in iOS |
Can View Reports | Can view/print Reports in iOS |
Notifications | |
Enabled | When enabled, Notifications that have been set up will be triggered and sent. |
Miscellaneous | |
Show Personnel Management Numbers | Must have Labour Rules license for this permission. |
Necessary Permissions for Web Users to be able to create Ad-hoc Time Reports:
Email Reminders for over-due Time Reports
What is My Events vs. My Related Events?
Projects in the Web Client
A Web User with a Web Profile Permission to use the iOS app can create a Project through the iOS or the Mobile WebClient. It is not possible to create a new Project in the Web Client.
The following Web Permissions have to be set. At least on of each setting:
Projects > Show > All Projects, If It Is In His Division, If He Has A Relation To It.
If neither of the mentioned above is ticked, it is not possible to edit any Project the permission for Allow Editing will be grayed out.
Projects > Allow Editing Projects > Always, If It Is In His Division, If He Has A Relation To It.
Which Projects are shown and available?
All active and closed or invoiced Projects will be shown in the Web Client. Among the active Projects, even the ones with Status: Quotation and Hold Invoice will be available. Canceled Projects won't show up in the Web Client. It is possible to add a Booking to any active Project.