Download the "fw_server_v701-SP3.exe" to your Desktop.
!! v7.1 does not support the 32bit fw Server and Client apps on Mac and Windows !!
Should your system be on a 32bit server, please do not upgrade to 7.1.
!! Upgrading to 7.1 requires Java / OpenJDK v17 to be installed!!
See more info here.
Before you start the installation please make sure that on Windows you are logged on with ’administrator’ permissions (Install/Read/Write) and to avoid possible installation-errors please do not install Farmers WIFE from a network/external drive, but from the local machine.
Should the farmerswife Server application not start after the installation, please try to use "Run As Administrator". Should this then work, please ensure you set this on the "farmerswife 64bit.exe" right-mouse click > Properties >"Compatibility" tab > "Settings" section > "Run this program as an administrator".
To start the installation double click on the downloaded file located on your Desktop.
The farmerswife Server Setup Wizard will open* and guide you through the installation step by step.
*Depending on your local security settings an ‘Open File – Security Warning’ from your Windows® operating system might pop-up when you try to start the farmerswife installer file. Click on ‘Run’ to continue with the installation.
Once the Server installer starts the ‘Setup’ a dialog box will ask ‘Do you wish to continue?’. Click 'Yes’ to proceed.
Read the important customer information in the next window.
Click 'Next'.
Furthermore, the default drive offered in the installation is "C:\" because a Windows system typically at least has a ‘C:’ drive, which hosts the operating system. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend installing the farmerswife Server on a drive other than ‘C:’, or at least a different local partition. The operating system and any Windows Updates will then not interfere with the farmerswife Server, and any network related issues will be avoided when sharing folders from a farmerswife Server in a cross-platform environment.
Therefore, we recommend using a path like "D:\farmerswife_server. Click on 'Browse...' to select a different folder.
Always choose "Full Installation" including "HTML Templates" on first time installation.
By default a ‘Farmers WIFE Server’ folder is created in the ‘Programs’ section to be accessed via the ‘Start’ menu button. To change the folder name type a name in the marked text field, or un-tick the checkbox in the bottom left corner to not create a Start Menu folder.
Leave 'Create a desktop icon' checked so you'll have a farmerswife icon on your desktop for easy access.
farmerswife is ready to be installed. See the summary of the installation configuration in the next window.
Then click 'Install' to complete the installation. A progress bar will appear showing the installation progress.
Completing the farmerswife Server Setup Wizard: Keep the Launch Farmers WIFE Server check-box ticked to automatically launch the Server application. The ticked 'Show Release Notes' checkbox will open a new window in your default web browser with the Release Notes for this version. Click on the Finish button to complete the installation process.
To start the application immediately, the ‘Launch Farmers WIFE’ check box must be marked. We recommend following this procedure, to either enable you to integrate your license file or run the application in demo-mode.
Once the Server has been installed you can delete the installation file (*.exe) from your Desktop again.