Shifts can be used for Personnel Rotas. They can only be applied to licensed Users thus cannot be planned on Resources. Read more about User License Types.
Setting up Shift Types
Go to Long Form > left-click the Personnel Tree icon > Shift Type Setup > Edit Shift Types.
Add Shift Type: click the green + to add a new shift.
- Name: Header Name; shows in mouse over and on the Shift Cell in the Hourline, iOS/Web Client and Cirkus Schedule.
- Colour: choose the colour for the shift. This shows in Hourline and Long Form.
- In/Out: Chose start/end time for the shift
- Causes Conflict: this shift will cause a conflict if you book an overlapping shift. It does not mean to conflict with Bookings. This is controlled by Toolbox > Settings > Personnel Tree > Server Setup.
- Breaks: add one or multiple breaks to the shift. The break will be deducted from the users working hours. "Auto Include" must be ticked for the break to be applied to new shifts.
Remove Shift Type: click the basket icon to delete an existing shift.
Shift Display (options)
- Shifts are always fixed to the bottom of the Objects' Timeline.
- Tasks and Project Bookings are stacked on top of the Shift.
Long Form
Working with Shifts
Booking Users on Shifts
In the Long Form, add the users to the Personnel Tree, that you would like to book on shifts. Select the days which you would like the shift(s) to be applied to so they are marked yellow in the timeline.
Book Shift on one User
Left-click on the User's icon and directly choose a shift from the menu.
Book Shift on multiple selected Users
Select the User or Users you would like to add shifts to, so that their lines are highlighted in blue. You can multi-select users, by holding the CMD [on Mac] / CTRL [on Windows] key and clicking the various users.
Right click on the selected users and navigate to the Personnel Tree > Shifts > select shift menu.
Book Shifts on Users with drag&drop in Hourline or Long Form
Select the User or Users you would like to add shifts to, so that their lines are highlighted in blue. You can multi-select users, by holding the CMD [on Mac] / CTRL [on Windows] key and clicking the various users.
Drag and drop the selected user/users to the yellow marked days and select the shift you want to book from the menu.
Book "Custom Shift"
On both of these menus, you have an option to create an ad-hoc shift for that user, by selecting Shift: Custom. This will open up a Name & then time-selector window for the shift you are about to add.
Once applied, the shift can be seen in both the Hourline & Long Form. Bookings can be made on top of shifts.
Changing Shifts
Shifts have defined time frame (f.ex. Morning Shift: 09:00-18:00). Previously it was possible to move such shift to any other time frame (f.ex. 12:00-19:00) by dragging in the Hourlne. This option is now blocked - the shift can only be rescheduled to another existing shift, but can't be moved to random time by drag & drop.
You can double click a shift to open and change the shift from one to another from the shift dropdown. Colour, Time and Header will update to the new shift.
Changing the in/out time to a different time, the header of the shift and the colour remain the same. But you can manually change the header of the shift to reflect your changes.
Removing/Deleting Shifts
In the Long Form, identify the shift to remove, then click and drag to the trashcan.
In the Hourline, identify the shift, and click and Drag to the trashcan.
In Long Form Personnel Tree you can also remove multiple Shifts on one or multiple users:
- Select the days in the time range where you want to remove the shift(s)
- Click the user icon of the user from whom you want to remove the shifts
- Go to "Remove Shifts On Selected Days"
Shift Conflicts
If the Shift Conflict is enabled, then it will not be possible to double book a User on 2 Shifts.
There are further settings in the Toolbox, to consider when using shifts.
These can be found of the Server Setup section, of the following article: Toolbox Settings: Personnel Tree
Lock Shift Schedule
In Toolbox > Personnel Tree > Lock Shifts you can set whether you want to lock shifts that are x number of days in advance. Where x is a number that you can set below this setting.
- In the Edit Shift window there is now a "Locked" checkbox that indicates whether or not the shift is locked.
- If the shift is within the day limit you specified then it will be locked.
- When the shift is locked you won't be able to edit any of its fields.
- You can untick the "Locked" to make changes and then manually tick the box again.
- If you manually tick or untick the checkbox then that shift won't be affected when turning the Toolbox Setting on/off.
- You can delete a locked Shift.
- Past shifts will remain locked if they were locked at some point.