An ongoing Project that is not ready to be closed, can already be invoiced either:
- through a Prepayment Invoice that will allow you to invoice a fixed amount, or a percentage of the total of the Project, as one line that is not connected to any specific job yet.
- or through a Part Invoice that will allow you to select specific finished jobs (time-reported Bookings, done Media Orders, done Work Orders), or quoted lines (from Virtual Bookings, or approved Budget), depending on your Final/Container View configuration, often called "To Invoice/Invoiced" view.
Prepayment Invoices are usually issued e.g. if 50% of the quoted amount is due at contract signing and 50% at the completion of the job. It is possible to create multiple Prepayment Invoices for one Project, and once the Project is closed farmerswife will ask if the already issued Prepayment Invoices should be subtracted from the final Invoice. In the Active / Pending Project And "On Hold" Media Orders pane of the Invoice Creator, select the Project and right-mouse click (or click on the drop-down menu) and select: Create Prepayment Invoice (for a fixed amount) or Create Prepayment Invoice % (for an amount to be calculated from a percentage of the Project's total).|
- Prepayment Invoice with a fixed amount: Enter the price directly in the Sell field.
- Prepayment Invoice with a percentage: Enter a percentage amount in the Sell % field. The system calculates the amount (from the Total/Container view of the Project, often called "To Invoice/Invoiced" view), and adds it to the Sell field.
Still in the Edit window, change the Name if you need to add a description, e.g. First Prepayment. And you can also add a Note. Once done, print the Invoice as usual. The Prepayment Invoice does not display any Objects from the Project in the print out, just the Prepayment amount. Once the Project is finished, close the Project by turning the Active button off and search for it in the Closed Projects And Done Media Orders pane of the Invoice Creator to create the final invoice that will deduct the already created Prepayment Invoices.
As you choose Create Invoices (Selection: 1) from the drop-down menu, a dialog asks to Confirm Creating New Invoice. Another dialog follows: "Warning: An Invoice Has Already Been Created For This Source. Confirm Creating A New Invoice, Since This Could Result In Double Invoicing" (and shows the existing Invoice Number between brackets). This message indicates that previously an Invoice has been created for this Project. A third dialog shows the Prepayment Invoices that have been created for the Project. Here you just need to click OK so the system subtracts them from the final Invoice. Finally confirm the dialog asking if the Project/Media Order should be flagged as Invoiced.
In the Invoice Editor, the Prepayment Invoice appears as a negative line at the bottom.
When this final Invoice is printed all Bookings/Quoted lines appear listed as well as the subtracted Prepayment Invoice line.
Please note that if multiple Prepayment Invoices with a percentage value are created, it is possible to invoice more than the actual quoted amount in the Project if the Project won't be closed at any time. Please make sure to close the Project once the job is done and create the final invoice.
Part Invoices can be created on completely time-reported Bookings, done Project Work Orders, done Media Orders, Project Extras, Virtual Bookings, or Budget lines from approved Quotes/Budgets (depending on your Final/Container View configuration, often called "To Invoice/Invoiced" view). Part invoicing is by default active. It can be deactivated in the Server > Setup > Financial tab > Disable Partial Invoices. It is not possible to select only certain days of a multiple Day Booking to create a Part Invoice.
- In the Active / Pending Projects And "On Hold" Media Orders pane of the Invoice Creator, search for the Project to be part-invoiced. Highlight it and select Part Invoice from the dropdown menu or by right-mouse click. In the Select Items For The New Invoice window choose the items to be part invoiced. Time-reported bookings are displayed in green, done Media Orders in yellow, Project Work Orders in green and Budget Entries blue, as in the Project. If you mouse over selected lines, you can see the details of the Bookings, Media Order or Booking Entries.
- Hit Ok and confirm creating the new invoice. In the example below, Binders are used in this Project for the various episodes of this Mini Series. Once all the Bookings for an episode are finished, an invoice is generated. The Part Invoice is created for the first episode, and finished jobs that belong to the second episode are moved to the Not Selected pane of the window.
In the Edit Project window, the invoiced items get flagged as Invoiced with a yellow triangle that, when clicked, shows two options:
- Find Invoice: will open the related Invoice
- Remove "Invoiced" Status From This Item: will remove this flag to enable re-invoicing this item, but BEWARE that the Invoice itself is not removed, therefore this could result in double invoicing the item (as the caution message warns)
If the part invoiced item is a Booking, the time-report icon turns from green to white, and if the part invoiced item is a Media Order, the Status changes from Done to Invoiced.
Beware that Part Invoiced items can no longer be modified.
Once the Project is finished, close the Project by turning the Active button off. In the Closed Projects And Done Media Orders pane of the Invoice Creator, you can then create the final invoice that will include the rest of the items that had not been invoiced. As you choose Create Invoices (Selection: 1) from the drop-down menu, a dialog asks to Confirm Creating New Invoice, and next a dialog says "Warning: An Invoice Has Already Been Created For This Source. Confirm Creating A New Invoice, Since This Could Result In Double Invoicing" (and shows the existing Invoice Number between brackets). This message indicates that previously an Invoice has already been created for this Project. Here, unlike Prepayment invoices, no existing invoice is subtracted from the final invoice, because this final invoice will only contain the pending items to be invoiced. Finally confirm the dialog asking if the Project/Media Order should be flagged as Invoiced.
There are two methods to add Price Operators: Project Sell Price Operators and Budget Operators.
Price Operators are usually added to the To Invoice/Invoiced view, through the Eye icon > Add Sell Price Operator To: To Invoice/Invoiced. Whether it is a Cash or a Percentage operator, it gets created as a line at the bottom of the Project window and becomes a fixed amount. When part-invoicing this Project, this Price Operator will not be available for selection. It can only be invoiced when the Project is closed and fully invoiced.
Budget Operators are created within the Budget module and can be applied to Actuals. When part-invoicing this Project, if the Actuals are to be invoiced, then the Price Operator is not available for selection and will only be invoiced when the Project is closed and fully invoiced.
However, if the Active Budget is to be invoiced, the Budget Operator can be part-invoiced.
Beaware that if you invoice lines affected by the Budget Operator and then later change affect any of those lines, the invoice will not be altered, whereas the Budget Operator amount will.Therefore, ideally the budget operator will be invoiced together with all the lines in connectionto it, or else, at the end when creating the final invoice.