If a user has a lot of HIL (Hours In Lieu) accumulated, he might be allowed to get some of it out on his salary, in the form of money. Such a payment is called an “Hours-In-Lieu To Salary Conversion” and is created by clicking on the user and selecting “Hours In Lieu To Salary”:
The following dialog will appear:
- The date for the HIL-To-Salary Conversion is always the day it was created.
- The saldo at the end of the month is also shown as a reference.
If you have the “HIL To Salary Payments” checkbox switched on under “Personnel Tree” in the dock, you will see all payments in the timeline. The payments are visualized by a hand icon. If you click on the hand icon, you can edit or delete the payment on that day.
The HIL-To-Salary Conversions also show up on the Salary Additions Report.