Saved Object Reports allow to filter Users, Resources and/ or Objects with Bookings for a selected period and then create a Report for this period. Any further changes that are done to Bookings or Time Reports will not affect the report post-creation. Later you can search for reports and retrieve the information from the report unaffected by eventual changes in the schedule/ time reports.
Any Personnel Bookings or Shifts are excluded of this report as they don't have Rates.
How to Create a new Saved Object Report
Create a “New” Saved Object Report (right mouse click) and “Choose the Start And End Date” for the report.
The "Select Objects" window opens, showing all Objects/Users/Resources according to the Selector and the chosen Bookings Filters - see below.
To include Non Active Objects go to the window menu and enable "Show Inactive".
Further Menu options:
- Show Accessories - will list the Accessories
- Show Group Members
- Display - will add additional columns with the corresponding information to the "Select Objects" window.
- Load List From Basket - to load a list of Objects from a previous created Basket (User related)
- Remove Basket - to remove a Basket with a saved list of Objects (User related)
If Objects are highlighted there are two more options: - Add Selected Objects To Basket > New
- Remove Selected Objects From Basket
Change the Selector to refine your search on a specific Category (Users/ Resources/ Objects).
The previous chosen period is reflected in the date filters at the bottom: With Bookings After and Before.
Additionally one can add a second argument to only include Objects that don’t have Bookings in a specific period: Without Bookings After and Before.
Highlight the Objects that should be included in the Report and press OK.
The “Object Report Editor” opens with an
Objects window
- Lists all Objects that were included in previous selection. Shows Total of ALL Time Report Hours (only) and the corresponding Buy and Sell Totals for those Time Reported Hours.
Events window
- Lists the Date, Time Reported Hours Per Day and the Project Name of the Booking.
Double click on an Event line to open and - if wanted - to edit details of the Events: - link to another Project (includes all Active Projects)
- change the Date
- amend the Booked or Timereported In/Out times or Duration. Changing the Duration will amend the Out time as well. Changing the In/Out time will change the Duration accordingly.
Objects in Events window
- Lists all Involved Objects in the Booking / Event
- Double click a line to edit the Rates
- A known limitation is that if you are using Activities, it's not possible to switch to another Activity in the Edit Rates window. The correct Activity needs to be selected before creating the report.
To open the report in the Object Report Print Designer, click on the Report icon at the bottom right corner and select a previous created and saved report Template or design a new Template.
Once done, press ok and the Report is saved in the Saved Object Report window.