Divisions is a separate licensed add-on (contact [email protected] for pricing) for companies with different business divisions or departments wishing to pool their resources but keep the objects, projects and invoicing separate.
By default the database only contains one Division, but if additional Divisions are added, it is
possible to configure which Division each User / Object / Resource / Project / Media Order / Invoice belongs to and
to filter by Division in these places.
It allows to create one project and assigning resources from different divisions to it. When invoicing the project a choice can be made to issue one client invoice from the project division, and then the divisions invoicing each other internally, or else to issue separate client invoices for each division involved in the project.
Further usage of the Divisions in the system if licensed:
1. Multiple Currencies: The Divisions option is integrated into the Multiple Currencies option, allowing you to setup a Currency per Division and then the currency will be auto selected on creating projects or invoices.
2. Booking Timezones: Using the Divisions option you can also define and link Timezones to them in which Bookings are created or shown.
3. Object Permissions: Using Object Permissions you can set Permissions by Division (v7.1).