The v2 farmerswife - Cirkus integration, which was introduced in 6.6 SP1 includes:
- New Projects created in farmerswife trigger a new Project created in Cirkus.
- Projects in Cirkus are created with default or specified Templates.
- All new Projects in Cirkus can trigger a new Project created in farmerswife.
- Bi-directional sync of Project custom fields i.e changes can be made in both farmerswife and Cirkus and be in sync.
- Since 6.7 Budget line items can be sent to Cirkus as Tasks, this is covered in another solution article .
- Since 6.8 Bi-directional, or one-direction sync of Bookings for synced projects between both systems
- Since 6.8 Cirkus to fw sync of Time Reports for Bookings between both systems
- Since 6.8 farmerswife Users can be added to a Cirkus Workspace as Members or Resources.
- Since 6.8 Cirkus Tasks can be sent back to farmerswife as Project Services/Extras
Note: Since 6.8 Cirkus integration is a licensed option in your farmerswife license. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
- NEW IN 7.0 Personnel Bookings can sync between farmerswife and Cirkus
- New IN 7.0 Task Bookings (non-project bookings), can sync between farmerswife and Cirkus
- New IN 7.0 More control on "Sync Mode" per entity - Bookings, Projects, Time Reports”
- New IN 7.0 User who clicks the Cirkus sync button will automatically be a member of the Project.
- New IN 7.0 Choose which farmerswife Bookings will be synced as Bookings or Tasks to Cirkus.
- NEW in 7.1 We introduced Project Sync v3. Please read below for more information.
- NEW IN 7.1 Syncing Booking Status
- NEW IN 7.1 Cirkus Resources are renamed after the mapped Object has been renamed in farmerswife
- NEW IN 7.1 When you delete Objects in fw, it now also deletes them in Cirkus
- NEW IN 7.1 farmerswife Project Dates now Sync to Cirkus Project Start/End Dates (project sync v3)
- NEW IN 7.1 farmerswife Project Markers now Sync to Cirkus Project Milestones (project sync v3)
- NEW IN 7.1 Time Reports made in Cirkus are synced to fw, even if the reporting user is not booked.
- NEW in 7.1 You can now book Members to specific Roles in Cirkus, and it maps to farmerswife!
- NEW in 7.1 When Activities are booked in farmerswife, you can now see them in Cirkus.
- NEW in 7.1 Object Custom fields can be synced to Cirkus
- NEW in 7.1 Syncing an Object from farmerswife to Cirkus automatically creates the Object Class as a Role in Cirkus!
- Migration from old to new Cirkus integration
- New Cirkus Integration Server Setup
- Syncing Users, Resources, and Objects
- Syncing New Cirkus Tasks to farmerswife Project Objects
- Syncing farmerswife Bookings to Cirkus
- Syncing farmerswife Object Classes to Cirkus Roles (bidirectional!)
- Syncing farmerswife Activities to Cirkus
- Syncing farmerswife Binders to Cirkus Subprojects
- Syncing farmerswife Project Markers to Cirkus Project Milestones
- Syncing farmerswife Personnel Bookings to/from Cirkus
- Syncing non-Project Bookings (Task Bookings in farmerswife)
- Syncing ad-hoc time reports on Bookings/Tasks from Cirkus to farmerswife
- Working with Synced Projects in farmerswife
- Troubleshooting integration issues.
If you don't want to enable the integration and if you want to remove the Cirkus Prompt from your Project Window, go to Toolbox > Settings > Miscellaneous and disable: Show Cirkus Info When Not Setup.
Migration from old to new Cirkus integration
If you are using the existing integration (v1), follow these steps:
1. Disable the v1 farmerswife - Cirkus integration in the Toolbox > Settings tab > Server Setup > Setup > Disconnect Cirkus Account:
2) Enable the new integration on the Server. If your Server is cloud-hosted by farmerswife, please contact [email protected]
On the farmerswife Server window click on Server Setup > General tab > Cirkus Connector.
Follow now the instructions of the New Cirkus Integration steps below.
Active Projects that are in Cirkus won't be synced again to farmerswife if they already exist in farmerswife.
There are some settings that will smooth the transition from the v1 integration to the v2 integration. See settings below the Cirkus option inside of the farmerswife Edit Project window.
New Cirkus Integration Server Setup
To set up integration go to the Server > Setup > General.
In the Server > Setup > General Tab, there is a new section called Cirkus Connector.
Step 1: Set API Key
This is the key of a user who is already registered on Cirkus and has the Administrator role in the Workspace you are integrating.
We recommend that you use a specific integration user for this account i.e. [email protected].
To retrieve the API key, log in to Cirkus as that user, and browse to the User Preferences>API Keys tab.
Type a new name for the key and press Enter.
The key will be created, and you can select to copy the key to your clipboard.
In the farmerswife Server setup window on the General Tab, click on the menu item to the left of the Cirkus Connector, select API Key, and paste the key from your Clipboard.
Step 2: Select a Workspace
If you don't have a workspace in Cirkus you will need to create one. Click on the menu item to the left of the Cirkus Connector > Set Workspace. A list of available workspaces is shown, select the one that all the synced projects in farmerswife will connect with.
Step 3a: Configure the options for your Integration - Projects
Project Templates
In the Project Templates section, you can select a Default Cirkus Project Template. All projects that are created in farmerswife and synced to Cirkus will have that template applied. The project templates are set up in Cirkus.
If you create a new Project in farmerswife in the Cirkus section of the Project the Default Template will be selected automatically in the Template selector field. However, you will have to Confirm this selection again when you click OK or Save the Project for the first time. The reason is that you can't change the Project Custom Fields later in Cirkus.
If the user making the action in farmerswife exists in Cirkus, they will be the project creator there (and Administrator). If the user does not exist, the creator will be that of the API key in use.
Note: If the "Sync New FW Projects To Cirkus By Default" setting is set to "None", you can select which template is applied to each Project when you chose to sync it!
Map Cirkus Template To FW Project Custom Template
If you use Project Custom Fields in farmerswife you can map those with Cirkus Project Custom Fields. Select the option: Map Cirkus Template to FW Project Custom Template.
First, select a Cirkus Project Template then a farmerswife Project Custom Field Template so both will be mapped. All Custom Fields of both Templates will be shown in one section in the Cirkus Project. Project Custom Fields from Cirkus will show at the top, below farmerswife Project Custom Fields.
Please note, that the mapping will only work if you actively select the Project Custom Field Template in farmerswife when you create the Project. It won't work with the default Project Custom Fields that are displayed when creating the Project, even if those are coming from your default farmerswife Project Custom Field template.
You can add various mapping actions, like Cirkus Project template 1 will map with farmerswife Project Custom Field template: Commercial, Cirkus template 2 will map with farmerswife's Feature Film Project Custom Field template, and so on.
Changing a Cirkus Project Template:
Once a project is synced from farmerswife to cirkus you can still change the Project Custom Field in Cirkus. However the old Project Custom Field Subprojects are Tasks won't be deleted, they will stay there.
Sync Time
Here you can select how often the sync will run. The recommended option is every 10 seconds.
Sync Mode
Here you can select how the data will be synced
Introduced in version 7.1, per the new Project Sync v3, the below options have been moved to the Client Desktop Application > Toolbox > Cirkus v2
If you are using farmerswife versions below 7.1, these options exist in the farmerswife Server application > Setup:
Bidirectional - This will sync project status and custom field changes made on either platform to the other one.
FW to Cirkus - This will sync project status and custom field changes made on FW to Cirkus only.
Cirkus to FW - This will sync project status and custom field changes made on Cirkus to FW only
Master to Slave - This will sync project status and custom field changes made on the platform where the project was first created, to the other one.
Fields To Never Sync to FW
If there are fields that are "master" in FW, you can select to never accept updates on those fields from Cirkus. Project Number is selected by default here.
Active = refers to the Active button in farmerswife and the Open Yes/No slider in Cirkus.
Description = is the Project Note in farmerswife and the description field in Cirkus.
Name = in both cases the name of the Project
Number = in farmerswife this number will be given by default and might be linked to specific project number-creation magic, in Cirkus you can edit this number yourself. If this is set to never sync, even if you gave a specific number in Cirkus, in farmerswife this project will get a new farmerswife Project Number.
Fields to Never Sync to Cirkus
If there are fields that are "master" in Cirkus, you can select to never accept updates on those fields from FW. All your custom fields are available to choose from as well as other fields: Client, Closed, Contact, Email, Note, and Number.
Sync New FW Projects To Cirkus By Default
If this setting is checked, and integration is enabled, then any new Project created in farmerswife will be created in the selected Workspace in Cirkus.
Existing Projects in farmerswife will have a "Cirkus Sync" button in the Edit Project window to create a synced Cirkus project.
If the setting is unchecked, and integration is enabled, new farmerswife Projects will not trigger the creation of a synced Project on creation. However, you can enable manually the "Cirkus Sync" button in the Edit Project window to create a synced Cirkus project.
Auto Create Active Cirkus Projects In farmerswife
If this setting is checked, and integration is enabled, then all active Cirkus projects will be created in farmerswife when you turn on the integration.
Any new projects created in Cirkus will also be created in farmerswife.
Introduced in version 7.1, per the new Project Sync v3, the below options have been moved to the Client Desktop Application > Toolbox > Cirkus v2
Step 3b: Configure the options for your Integration - Bookings
From farmerswife 6.8 it is possible to sync the Bookings between your farmerswife system and your Cirkus Workspace.
- Bookings for people who exist in both your Cirkus Workspace and your farmerswife system will be synced. These users are matched by the email address of the object in farmerswife, and the profile in Cirkus.
- Only Bookings for resources that exist in both your Cirkus Workspace and your farmerswife system will be synced. These Resources are matched by name e.g Avid1 needs to exist as an Object in farmerswife, and a Resource in Cirkus
From version 7.0 onwards it is now possible to select which Booking Status of the farmerswife Bookings will allow the sync to Cirkus, see below.
- Only Bookings for Projects which are synced will be included in the sync.
- If the creator of the booking in farmerswife has a Cirkus account, the booking will be created by that user. otherwise it will be the "sync" user (the one linked to the API key)
- Bookings in farmerswife (fw) can have a Booking Name and then Custom Fields associated with it. Similarly, Bookings in Cirkus can have a Booking Template.
When you set or update a Booking Name/Template in either location, it will try to find a matching Name/Template in the other location, matching by exact name.
Among other things, this can be used to get matching colors (based on Booking Name/Template) in fw and Cirkus.
From version 7.1 onwards, per the new Project Sync v3, the below options have been moved to the Client Desktop Application > Toolbox > Cirkus v2
For versions below 7.1...
Enable Booking Integration
- To enable Booking sync for new changes, click on Bookings>Sync Enabled.
Note: Bookings created in the initial Sync will not generate notifications, only Bookings created or modified after that time trigger Cirkus notifications.
- To Force sync bookings from a time before the integration was switched on, select the Bookings..Force Sync.. option and select a date range
- If asked by support to assist with troubleshooting, you may need to enable additional logging by clicking on Bookings > Verbose Logging.
- Configure the Sync Mode to control the direction of the sync
Bidirectional - This will sync booking changes made on either platform to the other one. This is the default.
FW to Cirkus - This will sync booking changes made on FW to Cirkus only.
Cirkus to FW - This will sync booking changes made on Cirkus to FW only
Master to Slave - This will sync booking changes made on the platform where the booking was first created, to the other one.
Step 3c: Configure the options for your Integration - Time Reports
From farmerswife 6.8 it is possible for Time Reports on Bookings to be synced between farmerswife and Cirkus.
The sync comes with the following limitations:
- If you report more than 24h on a day in Cirkus, it will be capped to 24h in fw.
- If you report on a non-booked day in Cirkus, the time will be registered on the nearest booked day in fw.
- If the Time Report is changed on the same Booking in both farmerswife and Cirkus at the same time, it will not merge the results, but rather overwrite Cirkus' version with the one from farmerswife.
- Time Reports for bookings that exist in both your Cirkus Workspace and your farmerswife system will be synced.
- Only Time Reports for people who exist in both your Cirkus Workspace and your farmerswife system will be synced. These members are matched by email address.
- When reporting time on a User in Cirkus, it will also propagate that time to all non-user Objects in the farmerswife Bookings (f.ex. room). This is to make sure that financial details are updated with the recent changes in case if rates are attached to non-user Objects in FW Setup.
- Only Bookings for Projects which are synced will be included in the sync.
- When reporting time on a User in Cirkus, it’s possible to report for a Member who is not booked. This TR will also sync to farmerswife , and add the reporting user to the booking with 0h booked time.
From version 7.1 onwards, per the new Project Sync v3, the below options have been moved to the Client Desktop Application > Toolbox > Cirkus v2
For versions below 7.1...
Enable TR Integration
- To activate it, go to Server Setup > General > Cirkus > Time Reports and toggle on "Sync Enabled".
You may also want to click "Detect Timezone" to make sure it detects the correct timezone for farmerswife. If you skip that step, it will automatically try to detect the timezone the first time it syncs Time Reports.
- Configure the Sync Mode to control the direction of the sync
Bidirectional - This will sync time reports and changes made on either platform to the other one. This is the default.
FW to Cirkus - This will sync time reports and changes made on FW to Cirkus only.
Cirkus to FW - This will sync time reports and changes made on Cirkus to FW only
Master to Slave - This will sync time reports and changes made on the platform where the report was first created, to the other one.
Step 4 Miscellaneous
Change Server URL:
Here you can update the Cirkus URL if you are using an onsite or private Cirkus installation.
The default is, the public cloud service.
If you want to point to another Cirkus instance, like a demo, or test environment, change it here.
Reset Sync
This is for testing purposes only. Here you can reset the sync - it won't reset your sync settings selected above but will allow you to sync with a new workspace.
A warning window will ask you to confirm this action as this could cause duplicates, etc. You should never use this on the same farmerswife database.
Open Cirkus
This link will open the site, or the Cirkus Mac application if you have it installed.
Step 5: Enable Integration
Click on the menu again, and select "Enabled"
Check the status of the connection below the Cirkus Connector logo.
It should say "Connected".
Syncing Users, Resources, and Objects
These options allow you to easily invite the users in your farmerswife instance to collaborate in Cirkus and quickly sync Resources and Objects to Cirkus as "Resources".
Please note, make sure to have the setting "Show Inactive" off in the Object Manager's menu before you sync to avoid deactivated Resources to be added (not synced) to Cirkus.
Cirkus Resources are renamed after the mapped Object has been renamed in farmerswife
Objects in farmerswife are mapped to Resources in Cirkus, by comparing their names.
You could already add farmerswife Objects to Cirkus by right-clicking in Object Manager and selecting "Add To Cirkus". However, if you later renamed the Object in farmerswife, the link to the Cirkus Resource would be lost unless you manually renamed it the same way in Cirkus.
Now when you rename a farmerswife Object it will automatically try to rename it in Cirkus. If it fails, e.g. due to internet connectivity, there's an error message and the Object won't be renamed in either system.
When you delete Objects in fw, it now also deletes them in Cirkus
You could already add farmerswife Objects to Cirkus by right-clicking in Object Manager and selecting "Add To Cirkus". However, if you later deleted the Object in farmerswife, the Cirkus Resource would still remain.
Now when you delete a farmerswife Object it will automatically try to delete it in Cirkus. If it fails, e.g. due to internet connectivity, there's an error message and the Object won't be deleted in either system.
Users vs Resources
In some cases, however, you may not want your farmerswife resources to be synced to Cirkus as real members who would log in to Cirkus, be counted towards user subscription, and receive notifications, etc.
Sometimes it can be better to sync Resources to Cirkus Resources, to avoid those side effects.
You can use the setting: in fw Client > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > Map Resources To, for this scenario.
- For customers already using the Cirkus integration it will default to "Cirkus Users", to be backward compatible.
- For all others, it will default to "Cirkus Resources".
Anyone who is using the Cirkus integration but not already syncing fw Resources to Cirkus Users can also safely change the setting to "Cirkus Resources".
What happens if I change a User from being a Resource into an Advanced User but with the same email address?
The sync of users (and resources with the setting Map Resources To: Cirkus Users) is only based on email (not name). But if multiple objects have the same email it will pick the first one prioritizing fw Users over Resources. So when you turn a Resource into a User you should clear the email on the Resource or set it as Inactive. After that it should start syncing bookings between the new fw User and the existing Cirkus User. But keep in mind that any previously existing bookings don’t exist on the fw User. So when they are modified in Cirkus the sync will remove the Resource and add the User to the Booking.
Sync Object Custom Fields to Cirkus
You can now also sync Object Custom Fields to Cirkus.
This feature is by default off, and must be opted into by toggling in fw Client app > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus > Sync Object Custom Fields.
The reason for that is that all Custom Fields that are synced to Cirkus will be visible to all Cirkus Members who have Administrator or Member permissions.
Once it's enabled, any Objects you select in the Object Manager and use "Add To Cirkus" or "Update In Cirkus" will have their Object Custom Fields copied to Cirkus.
Also, the farmerswife Object Note is synced to the User/Resource Description in Cirkus.
Syncing New Cirkus Tasks to farmerswife Project Objects
There are two options for syncing work done in Cirkus (Tasks), to financial impacts in the farmerswife Project.
- Budget line items can be sent to Cirkus as Tasks, this is covered in another solution article .
These Tasks always have quantity 1 and are actualized immediately. - Create Tasks in Cirkus, which will automatically be synced to farmerswife
To use these features we use the Task templates feature in Cirkus, which maps the work done to an Object in farmerswife.
There are two options for the mapping:
Option A) Create a Cirkus Task Template for each Object in farmerswife.
This is a good option if you have a few objects in farmerswife
If a Task doesn't have a mapped Template applied, then the Task will be ignored.
Option B) Create one Cirkus Task Template for all tasks that should be sent to farmerswife. Use a Custom Field selector to define which Object to use.
This is the easiest to set up if you have many objects in farmerswife as you will not need to create a template for each one.
If a Task's Custom Field doesn't contain a valid Object Name then the Task will be ignored.
The farmerswife Project Object's date is the date that the task was completed in Cirkus.
Step 1. Set up the Task Template in Cirkus
Option A) Create a Task Template for each Object in farmerswife.
As Workspace Administrator, go to the Workspace details> Task Templates tab, type the name of the Service you want to make available in Cirkus, and click Add TemplateOptionally add custom technical fields, and a field for Quantity, which can be used for the later mapping.
Option B) Create a Task Template for all tasks that should be sent to farmerswife and use a Custom Field selector to define which Object to use.
As Workspace Administrator, go to the Workspace details> Task Templates tab, type the name of the template you want to make available in Cirkus for all farmerswife services, and click Add Template
Double-click on the template, and go to the Fields tab to add the services Custom Field of type "Selection".
Here you can manually type all the services you have in farmerswife in the Options field, or select bulk edit to paste a list of services from farmerswife.
In farmerswife, you can copy the list from the Object Manager, by using the Open As Spreadsheet[^] on the bottom right of the object list, and paste them into Cirkus from there. Optionally add custom technical fields, and a field for Quantity, which can be used for the later mapping.
For more details on Cirkus Task Template setup, refer to the detailed article on the Cirkus support portal
Step 2. Set up the mapping of Cirkus Tasks to farmerswife Objects
In farmerswife go to Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2).
Under Task Template Mappings, add a new mapping using the following fields:
- farmerswife Object Name:
This is the name of the farmerswife Object that will be added to the Project when a new Cirkus Task has been found.
There are two options here based on how you want to set up your Cirkus templates
Option A) If you will use a Task Template from Cirkus for each Service, select a farmerswife Object name here.
Option B) If you will use a Custom field for this, then select the Object Name>From Custom Field
- Cirkus Task Template: This is the Task Template that identifies the Tasks added to Cirkus, so it doesn't just pick up *any* Tasks, only tasks in Cirkus with this Template applied.
There are two options here based on how you want to set up your Cirkus templates
Option A) If you will use a Task Template from Cirkus for each Service, select the template that maps to the Object name selected previously.
![]() | ![]() |
Option B) If you want to use a custom field for this, then select the template you will use for all services to be synced.
![]() | ![]() |
In both cases, set the following options for how your Tasks and Objects should be Synced
- Cirkus Quantity Field: An optional setting that defines a Custom Field in Cirkus. It then looks at this Custom Field to try to figure out the Quantity for the Project Object that is added in farmerswife.
If not set, the Quantity will typically be 1, but if this field is populated in Cirkus, that is the quantity of that Object that will be added to farmerswife.
- Note Field: This field defines if the Object note will contain some information from the Cirkus task, the options are
1. (Default) "Don't Update" and means it won't populate the Note field on the Project Object with any value.
2. "Task Name", the Note field will get the value "Task Name: (Name of Cirkus task)".
3. "Task Description", the Note field will simply get the same value as the Cirkus Task's Description.
- Actualize (Immediately / When Done): Decides when the added Project Object will get a quantity. If "When Done", the quantity will be 0 until the Task is set as done in Cirkus. If the task comes from a Budget Detail, that quantity will be used. Otherwise, it will try to parse the quantity from the "Quantity Field" as added in Cirkus or just use 1.
- Pick Up New Tasks Added To Cirkus: If checked, any new Tasks added to Cirkus will be synced to farmerswife. If not checked, new Tasks added there will be ignored.
Step 3. Confirm the integration!
Now when you create tasks in Cirkus using the defined templates these will sync to farmerswife.
The following information is included as part of the sync
1. The Service name
2. The Quantity
3. The User who did the task
4. The Task number
5. The completion date of the Cirkus task (this is the date of the Project Object in farmerswife)
6. Optionally the Note field can contain the Task Name or Task Description, see the above Toolbox setting.
To see how Cirkus Tasks can push through to farmerswife Budget Actuals, please see our article on Attaching Actuals to Budgets.
Syncing farmerswife Bookings to Cirkus
From farmerswife 7.0 onwards it is possible to select farmerswife Booking Statuses that will sync to Cirkus.
Under Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2), there's a new setting called "Sync Bookings With Status". It lets you select one or more Booking Statuses. Only Bookings with any of the selected statuses will be synced from farmerswife to Cirkus. This can be useful e.g. if you want to wait with "publishing" preliminary or planning bookings until they're confirmed.
If no statuses are selected, it will sync all Bookings regardless of their status.
Once the Bookings are synced to Cirkus, they will get the Cirkus icon in the top left bar. If you later on change the status back to a status that shouldn't sync to Cirkus, the already synced Bookings won't disappear from Cirkus.
From version 7.1 onwards, we have added additional settings:
For versions below 7.1...
Syncing Booking Status
Now that Cirkus Bookings and Tasks are able to have a "Schedule Status" (new in Cirkus 1.87), farmerswife (fw v7.1) can sync its Booking Status with it!
In the pop-up menu next to fw Client app > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > "Sync Bookings With Status", there's now a new option called "Copy Statuses To Cirkus..."!
It will let you select one or more Booking Statuses from farmerswife, that will be copied to Cirkus. The Statuses can then be found in Cirkus Workspace > Info > "Schedule Settings" and will then be used for future Bookings and Tasks.
There's also a new setting in fw Client app > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > called "Map 'None' Schedule Status To".
It lets you select which fw Booking Status corresponds to "None" (the lack of a status) in Cirkus.
The mapping works in both directions - when syncing Bookings and Tasks both to and from Cirkus.
Syncing farmerswife Bookings as Tasks and/or Bookings to Cirkus
To design the correct workflow for your operators between farmerswife and Cirkus it is possible to decide, whether farmerswife Bookings will be synced as Tasks or Bookings to Cirkus.
Set it up to have it synced either way, or decide to use a combination. The configuration can be set up in Toolbox > Settings tab > Cirkus v2.
First, decide the default sync pattern whether farmerswife Bookings should be synced by default as Tasks or Bookings: "By Default Sync Bookings To": Cirkus Bookings / Cirkus Tasks.
In the setting below "Sync To Cirkus Bookings" select the Booking Names* that will be synced as Bookings instead.
If you selected the default sync pattern would be Cirkus Bookings, the setting below changes accordingly allowing you to select Bookings names that will be synced as Tasks instead.
It is crucial to enable one setting, so you can use the combination of the Tasks and Booking sync.
Enable it in: Toolbox > Booking Defaults > "Auto Popup Window On New Booking". It will allow the User to choose the correct Booking Name, fill out all the details, and decide whether the farmerswife Booking will be synced as a Booking or a Task.
Bookings that are open will only be synced once they're closed.
If a User of the desktop client application has a Booking open, that Booking is considered "locked".
Dennis is booked on an Edit Booking in farmerswife, which will sync as a Booking to Cirkus.
After that, he is booked on Booking and has a custom Booking name that will automatically sync as a Task to Cirkus. So it is possible to name the Bookings and not choose a default Booking name.
However, if you need a Booking to be synced a certain way - as a Booking for example - make sure to choose the correct Booking Name before the Booking is closed.
farmerswife Bookings that will be synced as Tasks will be synced as scheduled Task, so in the calendar of the User, you will see an Event scheduled. See the video below.
farmerswife bookings to task and bookings in Cirkus from farmerswife software on Vimeo.
*Setup of new Booking names > Toolbox > Settings tab > Booking defaults > Booking Names & Customs.
Syncing farmerswife Object Classes to Cirkus Roles (bidirectional!)
In 7.1, it is now possible to select a role when booking a person in Cirkus, and this syncs to farmerswife.
Likewise, when you now book a User to a specific Object Class in farmerswife, this syncs to Cirkus.
The Object Class is then viewable on both platforms.
Let's look at how it works in Cirkus.
When in the Schedule View, click on a Scheduled Task or Booking to load it in the Inspector.
Then navigate to the Events section. Click the three dots menu next to a Member or Resource > Edit Event.
Confirm your Resource choice, then choose "As" to select the appropriate Role they should be booked as.
After you select the appropriate role, you will see it visible next to the Resource's name.
In farmerswife, you will see the Role selection has synced to the Object Class.
Syncing farmerswife Activities to Cirkus
It is now possible to see Activities in Cirkus when they are booked in farmerswife.
In farmerswife, when you book an Object to an Activity, it will now display in Cirkus under the Events Section.
Note: This is a one-way sync that allows you to see the Activity name in Cirkus.
Syncing farmerswife Binders to Cirkus Subprojects
It is possible to sync Subprojects in Cirkus with Binders in farmerswife.
Enable this through the following setting fw Client > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > "Sync Binders To Subprojects".
When syncing Tasks from Cirkus to Project Objects in fw, it will decide what Binder to use based on what Subproject the Task is in.
Subbinders are also supported, but as there is no other level in Cirkus, these are mapped as Subprojects with the name of the Parent in the Subproject name.
Project is `Feature Film Pilot` synced in both platforms.
`Episode 1` binder in farmerswife which maps to a Subproject called `Episode 1` in Cirkus.
`Preproduction` is a subbinder of the binder in farmerswife, this is napped to a Subproject called `Episode 1 / Preproduction` in Cirkus
From 7.1 onwards Cirkus sync can sync binders' and subbinders' dates, based on the first/last day booked within the Binder/Subbinder in farmerswife. Those dates will updated dynamically as the bookings within the binders get rescheduled.
Syncing farmerswife Project Markers to Cirkus Project Milestones
It is now possible to sync farmerswife Project Markers to Cirkus. It's not bidirectional meaning Milestones that are created or modified in Cirkus will not sync back to farmerswife.
You need to enable the sync in the Toolbox fw Client > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > "Sync Markers To Milestones".
FW will sync the name, color, date, time and note to Cirkus.
Syncing farmerswife Personnel Bookings to/from Cirkus
Personnel Events in farmerswife can be synced to Personnel Bookings in Cirkus, and vice versa.
To start syncing Personnel Bookings between farmerswife and Cirkus:
- In Cirkus, create a Booking Template for the type you want to sync, e.g. Vacation. Change its Type to Personnel.
- In farmerswife, go to Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2)
- Toggle the checkbox “Sync Personnel Bookings”
- Under “Booking Template Mappings”, click the “+” button and map farmerswife’s Vacation type to Cirkus’ Booking Template Vacation. Click OK.
Now any new or modified Bookings using the Vacation Booking Template in Cirkus will be created as Personnel Vacation events in farmerswife, and vice versa.
To sync previously created Personnel Bookings
1. In farmerswife, go to Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2)
2. Click on the "Force Sync..." button
3. From the dialog, select Personnel Events, then the date range you want to sync the bookings for (start and end).
4. Click ok, and you will see a summary of the number of bookings to be synced in each system and the progress.
Sync Mode
The farmerswife server administrator can control the direction of sync for Personnel bookings
Bidirectional - This will sync Personnel bookings and changes made on either platform to the other one.
FW to Cirkus - This will sync Personnel bookings and changes made on FW to Cirkus only.
Cirkus to FW - This will sync Personnel bookings and changes made on Cirkus to FW only
Master to Slave - This will sync Personnel bookings and changes made on the platform where the booking was first created, to the other one.
This is set on the farmerswife server setup:
Syncing non-project Bookings (Task Bookings in farmerswife)
This feature allows the syncing of bookings which are not connected to a project, and are not Personnel Bookings.
Any Task Bookings created in farmerswife will become a standard Booking in the Cirkus Workspace, just without any Projects attached.
Similarly, any Cirkus Bookings that don't have any Projects attached will become Task Bookings in farmerswife.
This integration is default off and must be activated through Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > Sync Task Bookings.
Note that it won't be available unless Booking Sync is also enabled.
As with other integrations, it will still only sync Task Bookings for involved Users where the email matches exactly between Cirkus and farmerswife. (i.e the resource exists on both systems).
Syncing ad-hoc time reports on Bookings/Tasks from Cirkus to farmerswife
In Cirkus, it's possible for someone who is not involved (booked beforehand) in a Booking or Task to report time on it, ad-hoc.
So a Booking/Task can contain a mix of involved who were previously booked and other people who ended up working on the Booking/Task in the end.
But while time reports would sync to farmerswife for the pre-booked involved, there was previously no way to sync those ad-hoc time reports.
Now that support is added. The ad-hoc ones will be added as involved in fw, but have a "Booked" quantity of zero, and only have a "Used" quantity.
You can see that behavior in the Project window (Time Report Mode: Booked Only) and Financial Reports.
Working with Synced Projects in farmerswife
From version 7.1, we introduced the Project Sync v3
This feature now supports syncing Project data (including custom fields) bidirectionally between farmerswife and Cirkus and solves the previous missing functionality to sync custom field data from Cirkus to farmerswife.
To start, this feature only works after migrating Projects to the Project Sync v3. This is done in the farmerswife server > Setup > Cirkus > Miscellaneous > Migrate Projects to v3...
When enabled, any new updates to an existing project will sync based on your Sync Mode.
You can also Force Sync one or multiple Projects and choose the sync direction with the new Force Project Sync.
Now, when in the Toolbox > Projects tab OR in the Advanced Project Search, you can right-click to select one or multiple Projects > Cirkus > Force Sync
You will have the option to choose the Sync Mode, which can differ from the default Sync Mode.
After pressing OK in that dialog, it will queue the Projects for syncing on the server side and show a progress bar that first waits until the sync starts and then updates as the sync progresses.

Note: The sync doesn't sync one Project at a time but does them in batches, so the progress bar won't update for every project that is synced. Instead, it will update as certain stages of the sync process are completed.
From 7.1 onwards, projects' dates in Cirkus will get updated based on the first & last day booked in farmerswife. This feature is disabled by default, for backward compatibility. You can opt into the feature by removing "Start Date" and "End Date" from "Project Fields to Never Sync to Cirkus".
For versions below 7.1...

Cirkus Sync - Sync To Existing Cirkus Project
You can use this option if you need to sync a farmerswife Project to an existing Cirkus project. Once clicked a "Sync To Cirkus Project window appears and lets you select from the drop-down any active Cirkus project.
Once a farmerswife Project is synced with Cirkus "Not Done Tasks:" and "Done Tasks" will show in the Cirkus section of the farmerswife Project indication of how many active Tasks you have in the synced Cirkus project and how many Done Tasks. A blue circle icon will show in a pie chart showing how many of the Tasks are done by now. Once all are done, the circle will be fully blue.
Canceled Cirkus Tasks will not count here.
From farmerswife 7.0 onwards the User who clicks on the Cirkus sync button will automatically be a member of the Cirkus project.
Cirkus Icon
You can click on the Cirkus Icon to open the Cirkus project in the Cirkus app.
Note: If you use Cirkus on the web you can change this in the Setting "Open Cirkus Links On Web" in fw Client > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2), and when this setting is used it causes farmerswife to open Cirkus Links using the web browser instead of the native Cirkus app.
Click on the drop-down menu right before the Cirkus icon will give you some other options if a Project is synced with Cirkus.
New Task
It will redirect you to the Cirkus project (either app or web - whatever you have installed) and will let you create a new Task for this Project.
There are four options here:
Reset Warnings and Retry Sync
You can use this in the case of temporary issues, for example, permissions issues that are solved, to get the projects in sync again
Force Sync All Bookings: this will scan all bookings in the project and try to resend them to Cirkus.
You can use this in the case of temporary issues, for example, permissions issues that are solved, to resend all Bookings
Disable Sync For This Project: This will stop the sync of this Project. Nothing will be updated anymore. You will get the message: Changes Will Apply When Project Is Saved. If you want to re-sync, you will just need to slide the Sync button to the right to reinstate the sync to Cirkus. The link is kept and farmerswife knows to which project in Cirkus this
Forget Sync For This Project: Will stop the sync of this Project and "forget" that it was ever synced, so the next time you want to "re-link" this Project to Cirkus, you will get the dropdown of all available Projects in Cirkus that you want to sync this Project with.
Bulk Sync of Projects
From the Toolbox>Project list, and from the Projects search, you can select a single or multiple projects and send them to Cirkus.
In the next dialog, you can select which Project Template to use when creating the projects in Cirkus.
Note: If any of the selected projects have already been synced, the option will not show.
Note: Creating many projects can take some moments, and a progress bar is shown.
Troubleshooting integration issues.
Project Sync errors
1. Check the Project Window for errors, If there is a yellow warning triangle in the Cirkus area, hover there to see the error and send it to [email protected]
2. Check which user is the one used for the integration, and test the connection from the Toolbox
fw Client > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > [Test Connection]
Client Connection: OK ([email protected])
Server Connection: OK ([email protected])
If either of these returns failed, check the the user still exists on both systems and that the API key has not been removed.
3. If there is a 403 error with a particular booking or project, confirm that the API user can access that Workspace, Project, or Booking
If you are able to resolve a user or permissions issue, you can reset the sync for each project from the project window Cirkus menu >Miscellaneous >
Reset Warnings and Retry Sync
4. If you have access to the farmerswife server, you can confirm that integration is enabled in the server setup . and that the Cirkus Connector says "Connected"
5. Only if directed by the farmerswife support team, in fw Client > Toolbox > Settings > Cirkus (v2) > Logging Settings, Adjust the log level to gather more information.
Note: this can generate a lot of logs and slow down your farmerswife server. Only change these settings if requested by farmerswife support.
User Sync errors
If Bookings for a particular user are not appearing on either side it can be because the user cannot be matched.
Users are synced by email address.
In the farmerswife object manager, right-click on the user, and go to Cirkus. If this option says "Add to Cirkus" it means that a matching user has not been found.
Check the email address of the user matches, including any spaces that might be pasted into the fw object.
When the users are connected the object manager will say "Update in Cirkus".
After the users have been synced, you must force sync bookings either through the Server > Setup > Cirkus menu or through the Cirkus menu inside the Edit Project window for a specific project to get the previous bookings to be sent.
Any booking that was originally created in fw will be fully updated in Cirkus with the data coming from fw.
This only works in this mode. Not if the booking has been created in Cirkus.
If you still cannot see the Bookings, create a new Booking for either system and confirm that is appears in the other one, and consult the server log if they do not.
Other Troubleshooting Steps
You can pause the Cirkus sync or change the logging level from the farmerswife server without entering the server setup.
Go to the menu item on the server window, and access the setting