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Media Library Setup

The first! Library cannot be made Inactive. Please use for your first Library.

To create a new Library click on one of the inactive libraries to open the Library Setup window.

Activate it, define the Library name, e.g. Master Archive and configure the rest of the Setup options:


This will remove all Media from that Library  – USE WITH CAUTION.

Save & Load

To re-use the Library and Entry custom fields created for a Library, click on the Save button. The Select File To Export To window will open to select a location to save the file (e.g. it can be saved on the Desktop), type a name for the file and click on Save. Next, open the Library where these fields are to be copied and click on the Load button. The Select File To Import From window opens to allow searching for the required file. Once selected, click on Open and the custom fields will be loaded to this new Library.

Library Customs

Define the Library customs which will be associated with the Media. Click on the green plus icon to create new custom fields

Library Entry Customs

Define the custom fields that will be associated with the Media Entries. 

Linking Two Selector Custom Fields

There is the possibility of combining two Custom Fields of the type Selector Widget, so that the field in the Media acts as a filter for what the second field in the Entry is to display.

See this example, where the field at Media level contains a list of Car Companies and the field at Entry level contains a list of Models:

Under Library Customs, create a Selector Widget Custom Field containing the main filter values:

Under Library Entry Customs, create a Selector Widget Custom Field containing the values that will be related to the Custom Field at Media level.

Use the examples below to indicate which value from the Entry is related to which value from the Media:

A3 <<Car Company=Audi>>

A4 <<Car Company=Audi>>
A5 <<Car Company=Audi>>

207 <<Car Company=Peugeot>>

307 <<Car Company=Peugeot>>

407 <<Car Company=Peugeot>>

Passat <<Car Company=Volkswagen>>

Tiguan <<Car Company=Volkswagen>>

Touareg <<Car Company=Volkswagen>>

Here is how the values are presented when creating a new Media within the Library containing these Custom Fields:

Embed Year Into Number

If the year is to be included into the Media number, set this option to Yes / Padding: to pad as many 0 as necessary between the year and the Media number. For example, padding:5 will show the year and then the Media number: 2014-00001, and  the maximum number of Media records for this Library in 2014 will be 99999. The media number is re-set to 1 every year.

Force Location

Select a default Location for new Media created in this Library. See more information about Location further down.

Entries Auto Name

Configure this feature to generate fully dynamic Media Entry Titles, which will be built by creating a mask by selecting different fields from the Media and from the Entry.
Click on the Entries Auto Name button to open the configuration window.

Click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field to display the available options for building the mask. The list consists of standard and custom Media and Entry fields. When an option is selected, it will be displayed with the format or in the Entry Auto Name field. Select as many options as necessary. Each option can be separated by a space, an underscore, or by any character or word.

Remove Surplus Underscores

If underscores are used to separate the different fields making up the Entry name and one of these fields is empty, the surplus underscore will be removed. This is to avoid an underscore immediately followed by another underscore due to the field value between them being empty.

Remove Spaces

If a field making up the Auto Name contains more than one word, this option will remove the space separating them.
Hit OK to save the changes.

A dialog will warn the User that An Auto Entry Name Mask Has Been Setup For This Library. The Update Process Will Take Some Time. Please, Confirm The Action. When confirmed, all Entries belonging to different Media within that Library will be updated according to this configuration.

Next, a second dialog will warn that It Is Highly Recommended To Remove All Active Shares From The Wife Folders, And Make Sure That No Folders Are Being Locked By Any Other Applications. This means that Farmers WIFE renames all the Library folders according to the new configuration. Therefore it is important that no file is open, as this would lock the files preventing the renaming. And that is why it is also recommended to remove all Active Shares, which means stop sharing the folders, so that there is less risk of files being locked.

Finally, once an Entry Auto Name has been configured for a Library, Users will no longer be able to change the Entry Title manually, as the feature will build these dynamically. Instead, the Entry Title will be updated by modifying any of the fields that are part of the mask. See an example here below:

Label Compound Name

Configure this feature to generate fully automatic Media Entry Label Names, if these are going to be different from the Entry Title. This option will be available in the Label Print Design as well as in Media Reports Print Design. Follow the same steps as explained above for the Entries Auto Name feature.

See the following example:

Label Compound Name feature configuration

Label Name field within Entry

Label Name field when designing a Label Template

Folder Location

By default, all Media Library Folders are stored in the farmerswife 'files' folder, in 'files/libraries'. See more details in File Structure Options.
This option makes it possible to move the storage location of each Active Media Library to a different drive. E.g. to store masters or current work on one high-speed network drive, and store less important material on a bigger, cheaper network drive.

Has Parent Media

If checked, then Media in that library can be parents of other Media (from any library). E.g., this could be used for registering which tapes are inside which boxes. But it could also be used for organising files, where one file can be stored on multiple hard drives. See details in article Parent Media.

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