User Reports provide all Booking information associated with a User for a specific time period. The User Report can be used to display Time-report status, Vacation or Sick days used, create actualization reports (i.e. Booked versus Used time) and more, depending on the selected variables.
How to create a User Report:
a. Personnel Tree
Highlight a time range in the Long Form calendar for the report.
Click on one User’s icon (for single User Report) or click on the Personnel icon (for Multiple Users Report) > Reports > User Report.
A window will pop up if a time range is highlighted. Select NO for keeping only the highlighted days. Select YES to select the whole month displayed in the Long Form calendar.
b. Objects Tree
Highlight a time range in the Long Form calendar for the report.
Click on one Object icon > Reports > User Report.
c. Hourline view
If accessing through the Hourline, the User Report will display the dates in the Hourline, either one day or the whole week.
Click on one Object icon > Reports > User Report.
Report Options:
Configure different Reports with specific Event Types from the “User Event Report Settings,” found in the Print Designer preview by clicking "Options."
These are the different areas under Elements/Options:
- Header: Contains date and time information, as well as the Company logo and other imported logos.
- Users: Contains variable related to Users.
- Events: Contains variables related to the Event the Users are involved in.
- Objects In Event: Contains details of the Objects in the Events, plus contact fields.
- Totals For Users: Contains the same variables than Users. The difference is that Totals for Users will appear below the Events variables. Therefore it depends on the desired layout whether this information should be displayed before or after the Events.
- Punch Clock Actions: Contains data from the Punch Clock.
- Footer: Contains date and time, like in the Header, but they will appear at the bottom of the report. Therefore it depends on the desired layout whether information should be displayed at the top or bottom of the report. Please note that the logos only display in the Header.
- Show Days Without Events: If selected, those days that contain no Event, will appear listed in the Report showing no events was booked.
Show Bookings With Status ‘Preliminary’: Select only if Preliminary Bookings are to be included in the Report.
- Show Bookings With Status ‘Planning’: Select only if Planning Bookings are to be included in the Report.
- Configure What Event Types To Show: The Select Event Types window opens to select which Events to display in the Report. As the Events are clicked, they jump from the Not Selected column into the Selected column, and the other way around.
- Configure What Objects In Events To Hide: The Hide Objects window opens to select which Objects to hide in the Report. Use Ctrl key (on PC) or Cmd key (on Mac) to multiple select.
In the User and Total per User section you can get totals for personnel and custom personnel events:
User Reports on Multiple Users
To directly print out or create a report on multiple Users for the selected time period, click on the Personnel Tree icon and select 'Reports' from the drop-down menu, then the appropriate sub-selection. In the following pop up window, select Users and sort them as you want them to appear in the Report by clicking either the “User,” “Full Name,” or “Class” header. Then either choose a Template (sub-selection 'User Reports (Print)') or create a Template (sub-selection 'User Report (Multiple Users)').